10 Plants That Make Us Awe

in #aceh6 years ago

The universe really save a wealth of biological incredible. Every corner of the region in the world, have the uniqueness of Flora real-fact of different. What are some plants amazing that? Mongabay Indonesia has summarizes 10 plants unique course will make US more love planet Earth with all the content. 1. the tree giant Baobab this is the tree the identity of the country's largest Island in the world, Madagascar. Name Baobab commonly used for the genus adansonia which consists of eight tree species. This tree there is also in some countries in Africa and Australia. Baobab often dubbed tree bottle. Not only shape is similar bottle, but also because kemampunannya save thousands liters of water in the trunk. This tree also have a life long, that is up to more than 1,000 years. 2. the tree of blood Dragon tree blood Dragon (dracaena cinnabari) is a plant endemic Islands socotra in yamana. Tree was first described by Isaac Bayley Balfour 1882 shaped umbrella with dahannya that much. This tree is called the blood of the Dragon because SAP Red blood is out of the trunk. The ancient using SAP this as drug dyes. 3. Victoria amazonica, the leaves giant this plant largest flower of the family nymphaeaceae or water lilies. Amazing of the plant is the leaves wide, until the diameter of 3 meters, with the end up so not overlap with leaves the other. Bottom barbed functioning impair animals anything to eat it. The uniqueness of other, leaves floating on the water is able to hold the burden of up to 50 kg. Interest was quite large (diameter 40cm), which can only be seen night. Plants unique this can be found in the Basin Amazon River, South America. 4. tumbuo tumbuo. Source: trekearth.com plants named Latin welwitschia mirabilis this is amazing. Tumbuo only consists of two leaves, one stem sturdy, and roots. That's it! Two leaves the growing up to resemble mane hairy like in the film alien. Stem the tree not grow up, but only hardened the high about 2 meters wide 8 feet. Estimated, age can achieve 1.500 year although live in environmental conditions most extreme though. Vegetation only found in a small area in the desert Namibia and South Angola this can also last five years without rain. The local community dub tumbuo as onyanga, which means onion desert. 5. angrek faceless monkeys scientific name this flower is Dracula simia. Dracula meaningful Dragon small as seen on two Spurs length resembling the Dragon. Simia is a term that explains if this flower resembles a monkey. Orchid monkey is usually hidden in an altitude of virtually 2.000 meters in the Forest Southeast Peru and Ecuador. 6. interest lips this plant named psychotria elata. Small plants growing in tropical forests have interest known as the interest lips because resembles lips women bergincu Red. Found in tropical rainforest in Central and South America as Colombia Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador, plants this seems to have evolved so have a unique shape. Interestingly, the Red color tempting is the main attraction for fishing the presence of the penyerbuk like the Hummingbird and butterflies. 7. hydnora Africana hyndora Africana is a one plant the most unique in Southern Africa, precisely in the West Coast of Namibia, to the North along Swaziland, Botswana, up to Ethiopia. When seen the tangible, hyndora Africana not look like a plant. However, shape fairly odd make this plant looks amazing. In fact, some species of plants this is similar to the fungus. Hydnora Africana not grow as plants that can be cultivated because the dependence of his life in plants host. In the wild, it grow through seeds that propagated by birds and mammals small. 8. interest carcasses interest carcasses (amorphophallus titanium) is a plant parts Taro-talasan (araceae) endemic Sumatra, Indonesia, as well known as the plants interest (compound) world. The flowers very large and high-shaped like lingas (is actually the cob) surrounded by seludang interest also large. The flowers marriage one and protogini: flowers female receptive first, then followed save cooking flower male, as a mechanism to prevent pollination own. Currently, flowers carcasses spread across the world, especially owned by the Botanical Gardens or cultivators-cultivators specialist. Interestingly, many visitors who came just want to "enjoy" the smell of it. 9. rafflessia rafflesia or interest Padma giant is one of wealth biodiversity occur in tropical forests Indonesia. Rafflesia an interest that can be issued a foul odor. However, the people often confused with the mention of interest carcasses giant (amorphophallus titanum). Although the equally smelling carcasses, type rafflesia (rafflesia SPP) and bungai carcasses giant is a type of different. If rafflesia form flower widen, then interest carcasses giant has a high interest elongated. If rafflesia is plants endoparasit, then interest carcasses is plants fully developed from bulbs. Indonesia, recorded as home to 17 species rafflesia. 10. Pando at first glance, it looks like nothing special with trees because looks just trees regular sized in the Forest fishlake National Park, Utah. However, thanks to genetic testing, known that the Forest covering an area of 46 acres of this is actually the organism clonal single grow from seed single ancient. This tree spread because of its roots are able to send shoots grown into what looks like a tree individual. Because of all trees in the Forest (semunya around 47.000 tree) is a part of the organism the same, then the behavior of the Forest is also incredible. For example, the entire Forest transition same from a winter to the spring and the use of the network root wide to distribute the water and nutrients from trees have excess water to the trees deficiency. This condition in accordance with the name Pando which means "I spread". This Forest estimated old 80 thousand years, and as a whole is estimated to have the weight of 6.600 tons, which makes it into the organism toughest and oldest Earth. (Visited 1 times, 8 visits today) articles published by rahmadi R 10 plants awesome, Baobab, Pando, tree blood Dragon tree Dragon's blood. Source: toptenz.net