ACEH, not just a country, but an ideology
Ever seen the people who retain the identity of their nation, although their lives are at stake?
Ever seen of the oppressed people who pitted their way to the world?
Ever seen the suffering of a rich nation with nature and the earth womb, but the people still suffer?
Not a bit of Aceh suffering has been felt, a nation that was once sovereign, on the throne of the empire, in the past. Slowly, through murder, war, and colonization, Aceh has been taken over by the ruling party.
Started from the Dutch colonial period, when they colonized Aceh and took many advantages. After the colonial period ends, the Acehnese like returning from scratch, building what has collapsed, improving the quality of life, learning to organize the nation. And that's done for decades.

The Centralist Tendencies of Suharto's Government
Not over yet the suffering felt of Aceh people, because of the Dutch iron hand, Indonesia then came with promises that made Aceh people tempted. Many Indonesian promises were not realized, finally, Aceh chose to rebel and wanted to free themselves from the country.
The Aceh rebellion against Indonesia made Aceh flare-up again, thousands of Indonesian National Troops (TNI) brought to Aceh, to quell the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). Society suffers again! This has been going on for more than 40 years since Hasan Tiro declared Free Aceh Movement (GAM) in 1976 until it ends peacefully through MoU Helsinki 2005.

Too much explaining, if I write about the struggle of Aceh from time to time. I would like to point out that in blockchain, Aceh has also been listed as the first regional name (hashtag) from Indonesian country that used as a popular hashtag in steemit.
Is there a place for Acehnese people in Steemit?
Now, Acehnese people back to feel injustice. I mean, in steemit. I remember when steemit had not evolved all over Indonesia. When only a few Acehnese people knew about this blockchain based social media.
It started 5 months after Steemit was released. I still remember that fewer than ten people start using this platform and write various posts. Until now, steemit is known slowly, by tens, hundreds, and now there are thousands of people throughout Aceh, and growing all over Indonesia.
Some people start using the #aceh tag at that time are, @keuudeip | me, @steemvest17 | @anasz | @safar01 | @vannour | @curiesea | @teukumukhlis | @ejhaasteem | @abudar | @steemwart | @radiv | @ades, and some other meritorious persons, which I can't mention in this post.
Aceh has been paid more than 150,000 SBD, since Aceh was founded, to the present. At least, it's done without content curator who served to choose quality posts. I myself am very grateful to @gavvet, who once helped #aceh tag.
However, will we stop? Introducing Aceh to the world? Is that we do with the expectation of payment or money? No, Aceh's name is more than just money, and Aceh has become an ideology that must be maintained until the end of life..
Thanks to Steemit
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Hi @steemvest17
posting is very good.
that should be straightened for new steemians.
yes i open the first person in using taq # aceh.
but I'm impressed by your steemian friends.
from my first post, i have used taq # aceh and i opened with aceh culinary food.
thank you for posting this. very useful.
Yeah, we are the first steemians, who using tag #aceh and make it famous together... Thank you @ekaputri
Sorry if I not mention you (@ekaputri) in this post, it's because we are already represented by the names above, such as, @keuudeip | @steemvest17 | @anasz | @safar01 | @vannour | @curiesea | @teukumukhlis | @ejhaasteem | @abudar | @steemwart | @radiv | @ades and many more.
About the pic (steemians friends), I just got it spontaneously, from my post last year.
@steemvest17 thank you very much for putting my name here
but I did not expect it,
I am personally very happy to use taq # aceh
many stories and history taq # aceh in steemit.
not only the Acehnese people who acknowledge,
I listen a lot taq # aceh from society laur, merera admire post community aceh.
thanks @ steemvest17
greetings to all aceh communities, under (aceh steemit community)
taq # aceh pride together that must be on guard.
Gron That.
Kamoe ANeuk mit meusutot aju di likot.
Ma Dikeu, Aneuk dilikot.
Droneuh bak meu rendah meunan sabe, beu'o teuh hahaaha
hi @steemvest17 @ekaputri
sweet regards
thank you for talking here
I like your work
hopefully fore is better than this
greeting also to all aceh steemit community
kiban taneuk peumaju #aceh.. di ureung2 awai/akok hana geupeukong komunitas...nyang na geupeukoeng sabee keudroe-droe geuh sagai. kamoe nyang baro2 nyoe hana soe ngieng..makajih meu roen2 aju ho2 nyang rame.
saran loen keu ureung2 awai/akok2 kajeut peugadoh eksklusifitas, peukong community, peusaboh/peusapat/meuduek ngen nyang baro2.
meunan haba dari aneuk yee
kon hana soe pakoe keu ureung baroe, ureung baro hana saba,, perle beu naa aju, jinoe naasit ban jie daftar, jiteumee rasa mangat, jie tanyoeng bak ureung awai, kiban meu kulat meubeuleun2..
Yang pubuet pubuet laju, yang mate mate laju :D
Bak awak baroe2 jnoe PU tapeugah kuwut abah2 teguh bak ya peutamong idiologi. Meu jitupue reudok Tan. Yang na bak awaknyan lheuh Bu Pat lham oh malam Pat ija. Eungkot teutot sikrek, eungkot teunagun sikrek, Kabeh urusan 😀😀😀
Ureung nyoe perlu ta luruskan, kiban tag #aceh nyan terbentuk, sehingga ureung aceh adalah ureung nomor 1 paling rame maen steemit di indonesia.
Betul bg ureng aceh ramei yang maen steemit tapi mantong le yang hana meuphom mantong mumang
Kon Hana mufom tapi awak baroe2 jnoe ka jipeutamong idiologi Indonesia jawa, Kabeh jiyak kompanye Peugeot post Ngon BHS Indon. JD ci ubah jnoe bek tag le Indon lam post nak Meu cuhu Lom lagoe awai2. Bek Lee yak Meu lieh bak awak Indon, dan tanyoe bek jeut keu pengemis vote bak gob.
Awak dron yang ka carong ne brie cara ke rakan2 yang na di aceh dan neubagi pengalaman awak droen. Dan neu rangkul awak steemit di aceh neu bimbing le awak droen. Nyan yg leubeh get jadi tanyoe hana peugah A dan B
hanjeut meunan, kon meunan peuneutoh, adak hanjipateh hanjeut kheunmeunan,, meuseu ijak blah deh, yu jak aju, hana suwah pateh. wate ka patah gateh eunteuk baro ji pateh..
Betoi @abudar. Payah peugah ngon cara jroh. Ladom syedara, galom that meuphom, termasoek lon, bak piasan donya nyou.
Dilon, karap lhee buluen hana lon posting perkenalan diri gara gara "bek tagging nyou,bek tagging jeh. Hanjuet gamba meunou, hanjuet gamba meudeh."
Hek ngon weuh kuh .
seubab tanyoe aceh, hek teuh bacut, asai tacukeh bak keung, ji tanpa teuh..
Walau hana lon teupu arti tulisan nyan, tapi lon kalon gamba pih ka juet.
Bah seumangat, lon geudham walau ngon aki ceumeukam.
haha... bereh bang :D
Thanks @nasrosman963, greetings from Aceh.
Bansa Aceh lheuh dji jajah le Belanda, dji jajah le Indonesia lom euh,, pajan ta jajah balek.
Beutoi... in syaa Allah ek ta balah nyan, ta saba, sabe ta saba
Oke,, sibak rukok teuk
Mantap.. semoga akan kembali di kenal seantero dunia, aceh merupakan pelopor walau kadang jasa aceh tidak di anggap, saya rasa hanya orang yang tidak tahu sejarah yang tidak menghargai jasa orang lain. Tetap jaya steemit Aceh
Amin YRA
Post yg menakjubkan bg steemvest17.
Thank you @antonysteem
bansa aceh adalah bansa yg na marwah
harga diri nanggroe nyan harga mate bak ureung aceh
Ya, marwah adalah segala-galanya
Membangkitkan sejarah dengan melawan lupa itu jadi tupik utama bagi kita Nanggroe Aceh,,, heheheh
Trimong geunaseih @taministy. Aceh akan na content curator. Walau hana jinoe, tapi harapan na. sang na. hahaha