The very first Imprint Of Man in America were African from Mesopotamia

in #aceoflords6 years ago (edited)


"Fact: The ancient name of Africa was “Alkebulan”, meaning “Mother of Mankind” or “Garden of Eden”. This name was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians (Ancient Libya/Algeria), Carthaginians (Tunisia) and Ethiopians. The name “Africa” was used later; many say originated from the Greeks and Romans. After European Colonization, the natives of Africa and America were given new names; Negroes or Indians (Amerindians/Native Americans). This was a way to classify them and try to erase their original heritage."
It would only take one generation of splitting up families and enforcing laws to prohibit them from reading and writing that erased all ties to their once part of Mauritania of Zingh Empire that were the actual people that first embarked in America
In the Yucatán coast of Guatemala spreading down generations to Native American tribes. Their was yet another group of natives that of Mongolian Asian that settled the Northwest territorial tribes. All here before the raise of the Roman
Empire and Punic wars that would erase most of the civilizations in Alkebulan (Africa) and rename lands and oceans, flip the maps, and even rename the calendar and constellation. The world now was refurbished in the image of Rome with commission arts to paint all icons, Saint and God to your images. The lost tribes speak original speaking Hebrews when Mesopotamia Sarah was a tropical oasis and a trade route that established Egypt on the Nile river in Alkebulan after called Ethiopia and finally relabeled Africa by Geo~Roman explorer.

       Negrito type and the Proto-Saharan variety of blacks. “Proto” means original or first and the Anu were the Pygmy people who now live as hunter-gatherers in Africa; 2 yet it was they who founded the first civilization of Egypt before the rise of the first Pharaoh, as well as the first civilization in Mesopotamia.
      Medieval African navigators who explored the Americas, especially the expedition of Abubakari II, Emperor of the ancient Mali Empire. He provides a detailed discussion of the watercraft, culture and intellectual gifts that they gave the various American Indian groups they encountered in the New World.
      the ancient Celts and first Vikings were Black people, and the inscriptions he claims were written by Europeans were really written by Mande speaking people from Mali who settled many parts of the Americas after 1300 A.D.
       The Celts were originally Black people. In reviewing Winters’ foreword let us remember the ancient Greek historian, Ephorus (c. 405BC), claimed that the Celts were Blacks or Ethiopians the original Celts were the Iberians. 15 The Iberians were probably conquered by the Ligurians. 16 It is suggested that the Ligurians may be represented by the modern Basques of Spain. 17 The Ligurians took the name Celt. The Ligurians/ Celts were conquered by the Gaulish-speaking people. The Gauls conquered the Ligurians and pushed them into Spain. It was these Gauls who imposed their language on the Iberian and Ligurian Celts. The Gauls were Belgians according to Father O’Growney. The Irish and Welsh are descendants of these Gauls. 18 These Gauls spoke Gaulish or Gaelic. 19 The Germans conquered the Gaulish-Celts, and Gaulish disappeared around 4th Century AD. All of the Black Celts in Britain were not erased by the Gauls. This is supported by evidence of the Ivory Lady of York, England. The reconstruction of the face of the Ivory Bangle Lady (c. 350 AD) indicates that she was African or Black. She was a wealthy woman whose features were indicative of the African type common to the British Isles at that time.
      There is also genetic evidence linking the Basque and Niger-Congo speakers. The evidence suggests that both groups had this same genetic ancestry. This linguistic and genetic evidence supports the African origin of the Celts.
      The original Danes or Vikings were Blacks. 21 This is made clear in the depiction of the Oseberg 8th Century Vikings on the Norway Sledge carving of the Black seafarers that populated the region at this time. It is clear from this carving that the 8th Century Vikings were different from the blond, big-bodied folk of Viking legends. Given the fact that the first Celts and Vikings were Black makes it clear that even if these people did reach the New World during the Middle Ages, they were not Europeans.
      These inscriptions were written by the followers of Abubakari the Great, a ruler of the ancient Mali Empire who made an expedition to the Americas in early 1300’ s. Members of the Mali expedition left numerous inscriptions throughout the New World.
      if there were Vikings and Celts in the Americas before Columbus they were Black/ African people, not European. Nigeria, dating before 12,000 years ago, indicates that Africans had the naval technology that would have allowed them to make a long-distance sea voyage. In addition, there are Negro skeletons found throughout the Americas dating before Columbus;
      ‘African Americans have come to believe that their history began when the first slave ships docked in the mid-17th century’ . . . but our results suggest that it actually started far earlier. Two of Christopher Columbus’s shipmates were the first Africans to set foot in the New World, a study has found… 
      Another inaccuracy is that even now the term “Race” is still being used in the twenty-first century. It is on birth certificates, identification cards, and even traffic tickets. This designation is being used in spite of DNA studies that have explained that there is no such thing as several Human Races. The word “race” was documented and first used by “Buffon,” in his book in 1749.41 The first person to ever divide the “so-called” races “on the basis of skin color” was the German Johan F. Blumenback, 1752-1840 A.D. He considered the Caucasian to be the original race. Blumenback, an anthropologist, named the Whites after the Caucasus Mountains, because he thought the purest white people originated there. 42 Through DNA studies science has now verified that there is only one Race, and that is the Human Race that originated in Africa.

They Came Before Clovis;
      The most widely accepted discovery in North America concerning the first Americans is the Clovis discovery. For years ancient American history has been anchored by the Clovis story. Clovis is an archaeological site in New Mexico that was first excavated in the 1930s. The “Holy Grail” for the “Clovis First” theory supporters is that Clovis was claimed to be the site that contained evidence of

the first Americans arriving in 9,400 B.C. from Asia by walking across the Bering Strait. 44 Until recently, this unscientific, false claim was widely taught across America for many years.
The first updated theory is that the first American people could have taken the northern route from Asia to Clovis.
If Clovis was dated 9400 B.C. and the passage was blocked 10,000 years ago (10,000 years ago is the same as 8000 B.C. 9400-8000 = 1400), then Clovis would have existed 1400 years before the ice age glaciers melted and passage to Clovis would be open.
Another problem with this theory is that there is no evidence of ancient boats, or even pieces of ancient boats, that could have been used to make this ancient Pacific Coast journey. With that being said, there are some archaeologists who still hang on to this unfounded theory “although they have yet to find any preserved boats in early (Pacific Coastal] American sites.”
The second updated theory is that the first Americans could have sailed from Australia or Melanesia to South America taking many months (Melanesia is located just north of Australia and stretches southwest to Fiji) to reach South America. What then is the shortest distance from the “Old World” to the Americas? The answer is that from Africa to South America is the shortest route.
The first Americans are referred to as Paleoamericans, that is a term that describes the people who lived in the Americas during the Paleolithic period, which extends from two million to 11,000 years ago. Unfortunately, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many sources still ignore the Paleolithic finds in the Americas, but cite the early Holocene and late Paleocene discoveries.
The scientific community, i.e. Gonzalez-Jose et al. [2005], have labeled the modern Native Americans of today as Amerinds, who date back to 3000 B.C. This is the date that their Mongolian ancestors arrived in the Americas and began mixing their blood with the resident African/ Protoamericans.
When the Mongolians finally did enter North America from Asia across the Bering Strait in 3000 B.C. 60—which was 8000 years after an Earth changing cataclysm that occurred in 11,000 B.C.M—their sheer large numbers diluted the blood of the first Americans who were already there and had survived the catastrophe further depleting their population. The mixing of blood with the Mongolians had an effect on the Protoamericans and their physical appearance began to change. Since most of the Mongolians probably came on foot, rather than by boat (as the Protoamericans did), many more of them were able to enter North America at one time. They also were able to come more often because of the convenience of walking as opposed to building a boat and sailing. This eventually allowed them to outnumber the Paleoamericans.
The “Wallam Olum,” or “Red Record,” states that the Hiung-nu people were at war with the Yellow Emperor of China (whose name was Huang Di). “In ancient times the Yellow Emperor was known to have been a child prodigy. As he grew he showed himself to be sincere, wise, honest, and compassionate.” 62 Without knowing the details, on the surface it looks as though the Yellow Emperor and his Huang-ti followers were the “good guys” and the Huang-nu were the “bad guys.” The Huang-ti people (of the Yellow Emperor) drove away the Hiung-nu people. They escaped from the Huang-ti in Asia and then traveled east across the Bering Straights into the “New World” around 2600 B.C., “ten thousand strong.”
“Perhaps they [the Protoamericans] found the country mostly unoccupied, and saw there but little of any other people until an eruption of warlike barbarians came upon them from the Northwest.”
As late as 1989 a report stated that five archaeologists from South America held back new data they found on older pre-Clovis dates. It was reported that the reason these archaeologists did not make their older find public was that they feared their funding would be cut by colleagues in North America. The article is written very similarly to other Australian-American migration articles. After Anitei wrote, and admitted that “the first inhabitants of the Americas belonged to the Negro type (Blacks), . . . [However,] You do not have to think they were of the African type. They belong to a racial group called the Black Asians.” 71 What does that mean? If Anitei mentioned that Black Asians do belong to the Negro type, but at the same time says you do not have to think they were Africans? What message was he actually trying to convey?
This South American site at Pedra Furada contains evidence of human occupation in a cave in northeastern Brazil. Later, a skeleton was found along with rock engravings and rock paintings, which were also found in the cave.
The evidence for the ancient African migrations comes in multiple forms: skulls and skeletons; footprints in lava; campsites; genetic M174 and D haploid groups; linguistics; paintings; carvings; architecture; Egyptian writing, artifacts, and structures. This data exposes the false premise that the first Americans came from Asia once and for all. Evidence has been presented here to cement the fact that Africans were in South, Central, and North America first. In Central America “early Mexican skulls show no clear resemblance to Amerinds or East Asians. The people to whom these skulls belong are undoubtedly African as well. Central America’s first American evidence can now be added to the South and North American evidence.
“Humans have been sailing the Seven Seas for at least 130,000 years.” 76 At first they thought that these early sailors were limited to just rafts. The Native Americans you see on television are a mixture of African and Mongolian bloods. What? Some people may ask, “The Indians I see today have straight hair: how in the world could they be part African?” That is simple to answer. A perfect example is to look at the modern aboriginal Australians, or the dark-skinned peoples of Southern India. Both groups have dark skin, yet they have straight hair. Some of the dark-skinned Australians even have blue eyes.
It is true that some Southern slaves did run away from the plantations to the Florida swamps and were accepted by the Seminoles and others. The fact is that these run-away slaves joined Blacks who were already in North, Central, and South America for tens of thousands of years before Columbus or the “so-called Indians.” oral tradition that “New England was settled over 10,000 years ago by the Paleo-Indians coming from the southwest… with other cultural groups who came later, these settlers became the Algonquins which includes the Nipmunks.” 81 We shall learn later that the Hopi Indians of today live in the American Southwest. The Hopi say their ancestors came from the south and not across the Bearing Straights.
The Algonquian Family (adapted from the name of the Algonquin tribe): “A linguistic stock, which formerly occupied a more extended area than any other in North America. Their territory reached from the east shore of Newfoundland to the Rocky Mountains… The Eastern tribes from Maine to Carolina when the Mongolian-Hiung-nu people entered the Americas from Asia and mixed their blood with the Protoamerican Algonquin people. Before the Algonquin began to mix with the Mongolian-Hiung-nu people they were Protoamerican Africans. Once they mixed they were called Lenape, or as Gonzalez-Jose et al. (2005) refers to them, Amerinds. They had been mixing their blood for 1204 years and became the Lenape, also called the Algonquin. After the infusion of the new blood along the way the Hiuang-nu had become a different people and are referred to now by many names: Native Americans, the Red Man, Amerinds, Lenape, as well as Algonquin. While we are discussing the Wallam Olum, this blend of peoples will be called the Lenape. The migratory route the Mongolian-Hiuang-nu supposedly traveled was across the northern part of the North America continent. According to the Wallam Olum, they traveled from Washington State, east across the Rocky Mountains once they left Alaska. After descending out of the mountains they loosely followed the Missouri River east, and then southeast until it joined the Mississippi River. Again, these Lenape/ Hiuang-nu no longer looked like Mongolians after 1204 years of mixing with the Protoamericans.