RE: Troubled Soul - Yet One That Doesn't Give Up- My Actifit Report Card: May 2 2019
Hope the weekend was wonderful! Slay dem demons any way you can. Wine can be a tool in your arsenal. Music too, of course! And exercise! I think you got it all goin on. And I know there's lotsa people who would disagree with the feeling ur mirror occasionally gives you. Keep trying on new clothes if finding something cute makes you feel good. All I see is your words but I think they're cute! :3
Just finished listening to both songs. I like their atmosphere. Somewhat menacing but inspiring and empowering too! Music ftw!
Who turns down a hardware wallet gift! :O I may be looking for one eventually and I'll seek out your council as I have no clue what would be good for me.
Happy Monday! Hope your Cinco de Mayo was swinging, and May The Fourth always be with you!
Hehe I did get some new clothes this weekend and they were definitely a win. I thought it was cute my youngest niece thought I stole inspiration from both my nieces and sister. LoL I mentioned it was definitely not intentional.
Hopefully I can force myself to go to the gym Monday. I got some elastic cables to try doing workouts at home but much too sore today.
It is nifty how music can can tell a story and share emotion. Definitely wish I could control these feelings better but really it's far better to have an outlet.
I would be happy to share my thoughts in a hardware wallet some day. Maybe I'll include a write up this week 😊
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