Make change
As these days are highly stressful, here are some tips that might prove to be of little help to some.
➡ First, identify the cause of your stress.
➡ If you can't do anything about it, there's no point in worrying about it either (try to give up worrying).
🅐 Make changes in your eating habits:
Avoid alcoholic drinks.
Include/increase fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Keep yourself hydrated
Give up oily food (that makes you lethargic)
Don't skip meals
Don't overeat
🅑 With your body:
Get an uninterrupted sleep of 7 hours.
Practice yoga.
Relax your muscles
Smile and laugh.
Don't overload yourself with work.
🅒 At the level of mind:
Practice meditation.
Keep yourself calm.
Watch funny movies/videos.
Talk about your problems.
Open up.
Start saying 'no'.
Don't be too hard on yourself.
Don't defer taking professional help.