14.12.16: Homeopathy in action. "Sticky Blood Syndrome" & ADD
Lots of new patient enquiries today ... one of which I took during an emergency Christmas shopping trip this evening! My daughter left her shopping to the very last moment before school breaks up!
Usually I do my enquiry calls at my laptop where I can book appointments and send out links. Skyping in downtown Leek, Staffordshire isn't easy, but the indoor market was empty and brightly lit, so I ducked in and found a comfy pew.
Cases 1 & 2 [USA]: New enquiries: Started my day with an early video call from the USA. The lady was booking in for help with her prediabetes & her mother's type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high LDL cholesterol. I suspect the lady's case will be fast. She has a high level of health since birth. Her mother has a relatively high level for her age and her case is likely to be straight forward also. Both added to waiting list & both are prepared to come at short notice if there is a cancellation. [My waiting list stretches into February currently, so folk have been willing to come even in early morning in their timezone.]
Case 3 [UK]: 1st Follow-up. Joyous outcome from the first prescription for a 6-year-old girl suffering anxiety that was making her very fearful at night, and causing mental breakdowns. She had been unable to attend school for some time. After Arsenicum 30c ( 2 doses a day for 3 days), she was remarkably better. Major changes were seen within days. She has Aspergers and after her remedy, her mother has seen her engage in and initiate imaginative play for the first time in her life. Her OCD about germs and infection has lifted. Arsenicum is often a remedy indicated where an extreme, sub-conscious fear of death is present. This fear is diverted into a strong desire for order and fear of germs, dirt, and contagion. Mum noticed that the little girl is now more aware of what her underlying fear is and has been able to express it. She's now settled very happily in school & has had her first friend to sleep over. Mum reports that her little sister is a lot more settled now also, and the whole family has a new lease of freedom. <3 I moved her straight to 'maintenance' and won't need to see her as long as she continues this well.
Case 4 [UK]: Follow-up with a 12-year-old boy with a diagnosis of attention deficit disorder and autism. After withdrawing from Methylphenidate last month, he had initially returned to most of his ADD traits, though Stramonium had resolved his fear of the dark and some of the aggression he was displaying. We followed with Lycopodium 1M. This month he gave me lots of examples of how he'd been feeling which all added up to increased impulse control, less exhaustion after concentrating at school and better test scores. His mother confirmed all these but she said the really significant change she saw this month was that he had, for the first time ever, been aware of the future consequences of his actions. He reported to me thinking "I'm going to have to get X done anyway, so I might as well get it over with now." It is still tough to get him out of bed of a morning, but Mum reported that he frightened-the-living-daylights out of her yesterday morning by appearing fully dressed in the bathroom! She was so far from expecting him to have completed this task without her shadowing him at each stage, that she jumped when he came in! We will wait 2 weeks and then decide if it is time to repeat Lycopodium.
Case 5 [UK]: Follow-up with a woman with gallbladder colic and anxiety. She had stopped part way into a birth-control-pill detox during the month as she had quite a severe aggravation of her mood, becoming very anxious and angry. This is the only remedy she has had this month, yet she had been able to eat freely without any gall colic. Up until now we have treated her gall colic with homeopathic remedies but nothing seemed to be working long term. After the start of this detox we seem to be seeing some good changes in this terribly painful condition. Also, her mood is calm and she is feeling and sounding pretty grounded, with little anxiety despite some very difficult health problems for one of her children this month. Planning this month to continue with the BCP detox. We discussed using magnesium muriaticum for gall colic episodes if another arrives. This remedy looks a lot like a cross between lycopodium and causticum in many ways and I'm considering this may be a remedy I missed. It's worth a try. China has helped to some extent with painful attacks. The BCP detox may be what's needed to solve the colic altogether it seems so far.
Case 6 [UK]: First follow-up with a painfully shy 12-year-old girl with eczema & pronounced asymmetrical breast development. Eczema is greatly improved after a combination of polysteroid detox, polybowel nosode & Baryta carb 1M. Previously it was very inflamed and widespread. When starting the remedies, it flared and then has begun to get much better. It is no longer inflamed, is a lot less red and has largely receded from her arms. Great improvement reported and she has found Stellaria cream soothing. She's had eczema for 7 years. She has also started to interact quite comfortably with other, unknown children who approach her. People who know her have remarked upon the improvement in her confidence. Her undeveloped breast has started to grow but is still markedly smaller than her other. She has another 4 weeks of her steroid detox to go.
Case 7 [UK]: First consultation with a lady with 'sticky blood syndrome' and a head injury resulting in very poor memory. She has suffered from TIAs [transient ischaemic attack (TIA) or "mini stroke"] and has lost some sight in one eye as a result. She had her first mini-stroke during pregnancy. She is supposed to take aspirin, but is reluctant and only does this when she begins to get signs of tingly lips, which she associates with her sticky blood problems. I prescribed her Arnica 10m in a single dose. It's an emergency remedy that is useful once you have called 999 if you suspect a stroke, and it is indicated in memory problems remaining after a head injury. She may need to take arnica 30c daily in medical solution if she is not taking aspirin [I clearly stated that I couldn't advise her to not take the aspirin]. Another remedy that she is likely to need on follow-up is natrum sulph.
Case 8 [UK]: Booking in for a man with chest infection that hasn't responded to antibiotics. I'll see him urgently tomorrow.
Case 9 [USA]: Booking in for a boy with a history of multiple antibiotic courses. Mum wants to detox antibiotics and resolve the source of the repeat infections. Added to waiting list for February.
Case 10 [USA]: Booking in for a woman with hormone imbalance and
Case 11 [USA]: Booking in for her daughter who has ASD & PANDAS which is largely under control right now. Mum is concerned about a potential relapse. She has done well on biomedical protocols so far, but she is considering homeopathy to attempt to deal with the underlying predisposition & enable her to come off high zinc supplementation, which is all that keeps her on an even keel. Both added to waiting list.
Case 12 [UK]: Follow-up with a 74-year-old woman in remission from late stage lung cancer. She did very well with calc carb prior to chemo and radiotherapy. She has been in remission for at least 6 months. She had substantial scarring of the larynx from radiotherapy and has had problems with breathlessness, reflux & difficulty swallowing. Her voice was high and piping but has returned to its normal pitch. At her last follow-up [after ant crud] she was doing well with no more spasms of her larynx [which are extremely suffocative but can be controlled by breathing through a straw] and breathing was much better. She had developed severe shoulder pain, an old symptom. Chelidonium was well indicated for the strange bubbling sensation she has in her throat that was stopping her drinking or lying down after drinking, and for the shoulder pain. The shoulder pain, which had troubled her terribly for a few weeks, lifted immediately [and her sceptical husband arrived for treatment for his finger joint pain for which he was about to get steroid injections ... he has done very well on cuprum met!] This month we are raising the chelidonium to a higher potency.
Case 13 [USA]: A request for support for a teenage female patient with school phobia. She has done well on aconite 10m in a single dose, but today she is in exams and in a panic. Aconite 10M was repeated and she was coping. Exam time is hard!
Case 14 [Oman]: Emergency booking for a teenage girl who, under recent study stress, begun to suffer anxiety with fainting fits. She's unable to attend school. I booked her in for tomorrow.
Case 15 [Canada]: Booking in for a boy with ASD who has aggravated under homeopathic treatment and urgently needs some help to bring him back to a comfortable place. I've received a good number of patients with problems after a particular protocol, but I met a new patient today who has a child who has done very well with this protocol. It was reassuring as I only see the children who it hasn't suited. As I had no appointments available, I snuck one into my day off. It's not the kind of suffering that can wait, and also Christmas may just be saved for this little boy and his family if we can settle him in time <3
Long day, with a lot of new patients.
Excellent work as usual! Regarding the sticky blood, have you considered grounding therapy? Wet grass or sand is usually best and there are many products on the market to do this in your home. I just posted an article about this topic a few hours ago. Are you well grounded?
“One of the most dramatic demonstrations of the benefits of grounding is the effect it has on the blood. On the right are darkfield microscope images of blood taken from three individuals just before and after forty minutes of grounding. The before images are on the left, the after on the right. The pictures clearly show a dramatic thinning and decoupling of the blood cells. The blood samples were taken during research into grounding by Dr Stephen Sinatra MD.” Source