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RE: Cigarettes, tobacco, addiction and World Change

in #addiction7 years ago

Hey Adrian.
It is always about who we are and that determines what we do. this is why for example when I went cold turkey a few times I could not push through the change and ended up right back at square one. because I believed me stopping and addiction will bring change to me, yet the addiction was within me, not outside of me. This required me to first work on a LOT of intenal points of who I have accepted and allowed myself to be while still doing the addictive thing, I have found that once I have written and applied a lot of self-forgiveness and made sure there is nothing hidden, then giving up an adiction is easy, because it works like currencies, there was no stock to back up the currency value, so when I dropped the currency in which I was trading which in this case is energy, It was easy as the stock as also not htere, so there was NO value, I removed the stock through writing LOTS and thus the currency lost its feeding bay, so to say.

A few times I also stopped certain addictions with the self-agreement that when I stop the addiction I will write and apply myself ever single time I feel like not stopping or giving up on stopping, and thus used going cold turkey to highlight the points existant within me and to then grab them and deal with them.

I also stop certain addictions based on common sense and practicality and what is best for all in the long run. these are easy as long as I know what I stand for and why, this again goes back to self and who I am, this process of who I am and thus creating myself as that best for all takes a LONG process, but you are very familiar with this lol. so it is about consistancy and not giving up, but be okay with failures, even if failure is all that one lives for years, be okay with it and know that your agreement with yourself is that you will make it, you will push through. Thats how I walk with myself.