How To Run Ads On Facebook? A Beginners Guide

in #ads3 years ago


Facebook is a large, people-friendly, and fun social media platform! for all of your day-to-day friendly chat and meme sharing. If you don't know yet, Facebook is a great marketplace for digital marketers who aim for their specific targeted audience to generate higher ROI.

There are billions of people who use Facebook. But most importantly, the Facebook crowd is a large one that remains active on a day-to-day basis. There are 2.8 billion daily users who browse Facebook. Generally, it is one of the most profitable markets for marketing any brand and business.

You can run Facebook ads to reach the specific set of audiences you are willing to reach for your brand.

Facebook is currently under Meta, and it is still effective for marketing. In this article, we will talk about how to run Facebook ads and several types of Facebook ads.

Many users often report that Facebook keeps stopping its ad campaigns. By following this article, they can also create their Facebook ads.

What Are Facebook Ads?
Simply, Facebook ads are advertisements that appear on the feed of a Facebook user. Based on the demographic, location, and profile information, Facebook allows brands to run ads. Once a business creates an ad, they can create a budget and bid for all your Facebook ads' clicks.

There are many social media marketing alternatives to Facebook.

Types of Facebook ads
There are different types of Facebook ads!. Here are some of the instances-

Image ads
Image ads are the simplest ads; these are the first step into making your very own Facebook ad. So how to create a Facebook image ad? You can create an ad by simply boosting one of your Facebook images posts.

You can pay up to boost one of your Facebook images posts, and you got yourself a Facebook image ad. They are pretty straightforward to make, but they are not boring.

Video ads
The video ads of facebook can run in your news feed, and they can also appear in your stories and reels. These ads can also appear between Facebook streams or long videos on Facebook. Video ads bring plenty of opportunities for making your brand more appealing and recognizable to your audience.

Poll ads
If you feel that Facebook videos are not playing on your audience's device, you can create other ads. For instance, pol ads.

Using Facebook poll ads, you can get the audience to react to your questions or campaigns. This is a mobile-only ad for better interaction between brands and their audiences. You can use your audience's responses for strategizing your other marketing efforts.

Carousel ads
These ads use ten images of your product or videos of them to showcase it to your audience. This ad brings the proper opportunity for highlighting your business products and how they can help your audience.

You can have a shopping link within each photo and the videos. Using these links, you can invite people to shop from your brand.

Slideshow ads
You can also create a slideshow facebook ad using texts, images, and existing video clips from your feed. Again, they have a notion pleasing to the eye, but the exciting part is that they use very minimal data compared to the videos.

These ads are easy and effective; they also positively impact your marketing campaigns. For example, you can add texts and music to make them more attractive on these ads.

How To Create Ads On Facebook?
You need to create a Facebook Business Manager page for running ads. Without a business manager page, you cannot run ads on Facebook.

So, if you want to create ads on Facebook, you may follow the steps mentioned here in this article-

  1. Choose your objective for making the ads at first. You can set targets for brand awareness, traffic, engagement, etc.
  2. You need to pick a name for your ad campaigns based on your business.
  3. Next, you have to set a budget and schedule your ads.
  4. According to the locations, demographics you can choose the audience you will target.
  5. After that, you have to choose Facebook ad placement for your ads.
  6. Setting brand safety and cost controls come next.
  7. Finally, you can create your Facebook ad.

As a brand, you will find running ads on Facebook very useful. There are multiple ads options like image ads, video ads, slideshow abs, and many more on Facebook. You can use any of those formats or all of them if you believe that your targeted audience is on Facebook.

If you have a planned marketing strategy!, you will find running ads on Facebook helpful for your business. You can start by setting up your Facebook business manager page and then step-by-step move forward into making your ads on Facebook. This article has the simplest guide for running Facebook ads; you can use these tips for running your business ads on Facebook.