ADSactly World - The Life of a Simple Belarus Socialist

in #adsactly7 years ago

The Life of a Simple Belarus Socialist

"Everyone says:" You must give us money! ". I do not owe anything to anyone. You owe it to the state and me as a representative of this state."

  • Alexander Lukashenko

What does a person need for a decent life? The answer to this question may sound different. First of all, it depends on where you live and what you do - it creates your opportunities. But what if your possibilities are limited to your state? What if your work does not bring you satisfaction and decent pay? In today's article, I want to tell and show what life looks like through the eyes of ordinary Belarusians.

I will not take into account civil servants, businessmen or bankers - in Belarus it is a separate caste of people who live in another Belarus, separate from the rest. Their wages in 2017 set a record growth, they are doing well.

In 2016, President Lukashenko publicly gave instructions to his subordinates, this is a quote from his words:

"500 dollars next year for all the complexities and why not it's worth it - Steal, Dig, Find! Anything, but $ 500 must be done"

  • Alexander Lukashenko

Loud words true? It's funny to hear when the president of the country instructs on television to "steal, dig out or find" $ 500 for every citizen of the country. But for most residents of Belarus, this statement is nothing more than another populism from the "father". Why? Because it happens almost every year. The last time in 2014, Lukashenko promised every working citizen of the country $ 1000, but no one saw this money.

Today on the state-run Internet resources, people are shown statistics, suggesting that they have almost reached the coveted $ 500. Unfortunately, ordinary people do not see this money. Apparently, for the average indicator directors of enterprises increase their salaries to themselves and to the management apparatus. Various manipulations are made to raise the average wage. But this does not apply to ordinary workers.

An interesting fact: In Belarus, the director of any state-owned enterprise is officially allowed to pay his own wages 7 times more than the salary of the highest paid employee. Socialism? It's worse.

The level of wages and opportunities also depends on the region of your residence. Obviously, in the capital of the country, the city of Minsk has the highest salary and ample opportunities. But "we do not judge the book by its cover, we judge it by its content." So let's go deep into the content and continue to reflect.

How can you make money in the country that ranks third in the list of the poorest countries in Europe? In a country where half of GDP is spent on servicing the external public debt, and the second half is spent on maintaining the state apparatus and law enforcement agencies.

current inscription in English means "The police love us"

"You will live badly, but not for long!"

  • Alexander Lukashenko in his address to the citizens. Freudian slip.

An interesting fact: in December 2017 in Minsk teachers were instructed to collect an analysis of the stool of their students. But later, when the public started talking about this, the instruction was canceled. It's funny, but Nigeria wants to adopt the education system from Belarus. What for?

The history of one family

The best way to find out about the city or about the country is to talk to its aboriginals. Therefore, I will retell a brief history of one family. For security reasons, I will not name their real names.

Maria Mikhailovna from the Vitebsk region is a loving wife and mother of 2 children. Last year, the company in which her husband worked was closed, and he became a unemployed debtor to Lukashenka. For a long time, he was looking for a new job, but he could not find anything - there are simply no vacancies. Fear for the welfare of his family forced him to go illegally to earn money in Russia.

So many people do! Here in Belarus, there is no work at all, but everyone wants to live. Therefore, husbands leave to work in Moscow. My husband works illegally and therefore here he is listed as a parasite. Comes 1 time in 60 days, leaves money and again leaves. Children do not see their father, and I'm a husband, sad. But our laws are against the unemployed. Up to what brought the country! (meaning the president)

  • says Maria Mikhailovna

Maria herself works in a kindergarten - teachers receive about 300 rubles (~ $ 150) a month.

Are you going to live on that money? All wages go to food and utilities. And what about the children? The younger 5 years he goes to kindergarten and the senior fourteen-year-old to school. Last year I received a notice from the bank, in which I was offered to take a loan to buy clothes for children. He was called: "Take a loan to raise a child to school" It's just crazy! Issue a loan to buy clothes! What's next? Will they give loans for food?

  • indignantly says Maria Mihailovna

This is the bitter truth with bark faced by people trying to live honestly. Banks offer to take a loan in order to collect their child in school. In what normal country, a working person who receives wages can not afford to put his child to school and he has to borrow in a bank?

"Shovel in hand - dig, do not dig - then today you are hungry."

  • Alexander Lukashenko.

At the end of the conversation, Maria Mikhailovna said:

When all this is over I do not know, but every year life gets worse. Even refugees from Ukraine do not want to live here. We have to change something, but people are afraid.

There are many examples of this family. Each family will have reasons to be unhappy with the constantly declining standard of living.

An interesting fact: a programmer from Minsk created a website in which all the promises of Belarusian officials were collected - for this he was fired, the site still works.

In such circumstances, some people do not have to live but survive. Belarus is among the leaders in the rate of price growth among the countries of Europe. Belarus is also one of the most drinking countries in the world. People drink from despair, they think that they can not change the situation in their country. But is it really so?

The decree of the President of the cryptocurrency.

"I will not lead my state beyond the civilized world."

  • Alexander Lukashenko.

To be brief, the new decree on crypto-currencies does not tax the mining of any cryptocurrency. Now individuals can perform any operations with tokens, including input and output and not declare it. This is good news for those who do it. Despite the opportunities offered by the decree, it does not change the situation in the country.

Let's think constructively and answer such a question. How does the decree on crypto-currency regulation help pensioners who receive $ 150 a month and spend all their money on utility bills and medicines?
How will this help the poor family and people who have lost their jobs?

According to the state - this will contribute to the inflow of Western investment. Does Lukashenka think that the cryptocurrency will allow him to correct the situation? For sensible people, the answer is obvious.

According to the experts' calculations, an outflow of young specialists takes place every year from Belarus. Some people leave their country forever without seeing prospects here. The other part works abroad because in their country they simply do not have a place. The nation is degenerating, the latest news says that by 2050 the population of Belarus will decrease by 1,000,000 people. It's sad.

In the end, I wanted to insert the words of one person:

this country deserves better!

Peace to you and your home.

Authored by: Belarus Insider
(Author will not be curating this post for obvious reasons.)

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What does a person need for a decent life??? When you allow others to answer that question for you then they are your masters. When you allow the Government to answer that for you then you are less than a slave, you are a cog to be used up and thrown away.

Belarus has a more or less free market economy, you can register as a sole trader or register a limited liability company and do business there, however, my understanding is that just like in Russia the state has control of a lot of 'important'/big companies so there's a pretty large state sector in the economy. Plus Belarus still has all the social safety nets and free social services that it inherited from the USSR, such as free healthcare, free educaiton, state pensions.

Yeah, being a free market economy (or being close to it) doesn't mean much when you as a private entrepreneur are strained by the states power and many compulsory payments that backup all the "free" services - which, ofcourse, have to be payed by someone. Same thing that bothers Belarus, can be seen in Croatia. Too bad.

Restructuring is really key to alleviating this dictatorship palava in belarus. The youth needs to stand up now because the future of the children who are gonna be the youth in near future is at stake. The government Trying to use cryptocurrencies to correct their wrongdoings is totally unacceptable. What if it crashes and never rises again. Then the future and whole of belarus goes with it?? Never.

God bless Belarus💖💖

The question is what value is cryptocurrencies is providing? As a core entrepreneur, I believe in creating value for making money. You can analyze that in so many ways.

If you see any nation, state, community, family, and even individual suffering, it is because the create less value to receive something in returns. They bring little or nothing to the table. It is a natural law

God has blessed Belarus for a long time!To write comments about her, you have to live there.Belarus is a beautiful republic!This small country created itself anew.Although the first one, which legalized the crypto currency!;)


People are in dire need of brain drain especially the young ones and it can't be alone done by the youth but government has to provide them a promising career in their own backyards. May God make it easy for poor people who will suffer anyway

highly qualified comments

It's just this post so touched my own backyard conditions. We suffer at the same thing and the damage happens to our state. Rich gets richer and poor just gets more poorer. It's just young people from every place just need a little motivation and support

Ya that really happens....may God be with those who suffer alot....

You are right, but this migration destroys poor people and the country in general. More appropriate solutions should be found in South Africa and some African countries are now offering many possibilities

What is there that can be done? People shouldn't be made to live like this because of their location or status.

Serious mixed feelings i got reading this post. Gush!

It's just sad what people from some countries in Europe have to deal with.Many are looking for a solution outside their own countries and somewhere else where they could earn better and have a better life in general.The way the governments think is definitely not good and it may take time until that changes.Like seriously, 150 $ per month is just not enough for a family, there needs to be some changes there if they don't want their country to be left with few people in the end.Cryptocurrencies might be one great thing since people could start mining there without worrying about the government going against them but how long is it going to be like that and the real question is can everyone start mining ? Obviously not. There have to be some changes.

Thank you for contributing to the Steemit Community.Keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to your next posts.

Funny thing is the name Belarus has rang on my ears many times, my actual thinking was “Belarus must be a beautiful country with lots of fun there” little did I know people are suffering especially the less oppurtunist in which the government have failed them. The president Alexander Lukashenko thinking of using cryptocurrencies to right his wrongs thinking that would make people live better, my question is “what if cryptocurrencies never existed? Where will citizens of Belarus get money to invest? Is it loans from banks? When they are not well fed. This is Such a very sad story for a popular name “Belarus”


As always you and your good articles ,,, this story is curious ,,, it seems to me what is happening in Venezuela ,,, I think that in Venezuela Latin American country is much worse thing ,,, Belarus Socialist; socialism is a treacherous word, the great politicians use it according to them "to magnify the one who has little and to take away the one who has more", because according to them in socialism they all have to be equal ,,,, (when the pure truth is that the poorest are still poor, and the one who has tried in any way to take them away) those who use the word socialism to conquer a nation are nothing but pure corrupt thieves, who benefit from the desperation of the poorest (in which any part of the world are the majority) to ride in power, there is when the real nightmare begins for any nation ,,, my most heartfelt words of encouragement for this great nation Belarus ,,,,,


It’s really sad to read stories from the family like Maria Mikhailovna said:
“When all this is over I do not know, but every year life gets worse. Even refugees from Ukraine do not want to live here. We have to change something, but people are afraid.”
These bureaucrats only promise, because they know they are poor people’s only hope. People think it will be different this time, but unfortunately it’s already planed to be the same.

Naturally, things will turn around, but for how long? It takes patience. Maybe through revolution, who knows