How to deal with the negative attitudes that children show in front of adults
Respect is one of the values that must be applied by all people, language, race and nation. We can not build a community where values are trampled, and it is sad that this new generation that is now rising is not putting into practice the ethical and moral principles that we transmit as a family.
Parents and representatives have a fundamental role in the lives of children from the first moment they are born, that is why we must be very attentive to what we pass on to them, since they will be a reflection of what you teach them.
From the moment you start playing with them, you must train them with character and a lot of respect, before their impulse leads them to demonstrate inappropriate skills in front of adults and you will be embarrassed as a father.
It must be very unpleasant to arrive at a home where the children take the role of the father or the mother, this is due to the manipulation in which the child has submitted to his representative. I quote one of the proverbs that one of the wisest men who has stepped on the earth wrote, I tell you about Solomon "instruct the child in his ways and even when he was old he did not turn away from him" here is a very real phrase that confronts those parents who only try to inculcate twisted ways to their children.
Of course we laugh for some grace that the child does, he feels august and thinks he is doing well, because it is a mistake when we laugh at the girls they do, from that moment confidence begins to emerge until it reaches such a point that it shows on the street or somewhere else like school, family reunions or birthdays. What the child thinks is that everyone will laugh at their graces and this is one of the factors that embarrasses a father.

When you try to correct a child in front of society, it is very likely that the child disrespects you or reminds you that at home you would applaud him.
Very loud voice tone: children tend to have a very high voice tone, but it is something that you can work as a father, now if at home you only hear screams as the child reflected that in the audience, and it will be very ugly to do it with unknown people.
Rudeness: is a very important point and is one of which they practice more, if parents are rude is inevitable that you correct not to say rudeness, this is an epidemic that can be transmitted to many children and more when they put it in practice at school.
Interrupting adult conversations: how unpleasant when they are talking about a topic of great importance and the child arrives with his tone of voice and rudeness to interrupt the conversation, and more horrible when he starts crying because his dad does not attend them quickly.

Lying: it is an attitude that manifests when you are interested, either to judge or point to your opponent according to the crime committed, for example when they commit the break of an object being the one who committed the act, usually blame others children who surround him.
Aggressive behavior: this behavior usually happens between the ages of 2-3 years since it is usually aggressive with other children, among the attitudes is to lumber, bite, hit. This is because at home the child is abused by parents and has no other choice but to demonstrate it as they do to him.
Take what is foreign: if there are children who take things that do not belong, and when this happens you must be very careful because they take it home and if you do not correct it in time you may later reap a great offender. Example are visiting and the child in front of everyone tell you papa look what I got knowing that it is not his, can cause you bad image with other people.
All these attitudes are reflected by most children who are not corrected on time, and if we want to build a very nice society and that our children are part of that respectable society, we must do a good job at home, to see beautiful fruits and you will see that your children will be honored by the community in general.

So true. when I see some of my relatives running scared of their children who boss them, I get irritated. The children know how to manipulate the parents, blackmail them to get what they want and have no respect at all and even interfere when adults speak.