Stream of consciousness - From that time I was stranded on an island (a fathers day type of story)

in #adventure7 years ago

soooo, i really dont know how i should tell this story
i guess the best way to go is to skim and tell you the outline of the whole thing

so we are all in the car ready to leave right? with this huge boat connected to the back of the car. we try to turn around to get out of our road, aaaand.... BOOOOOM, the back window explodes into deboras face. like what???? yea it was freaky, so we had to clean up that carnage.. and tape it all shut with a trash bag and this super tape stuff, so now we are finally driving away with this sketchy taped together car....


-30 minutes later-

finally we get going with our car basically going rumble rumble and we drive drive drive..... nothing too special.... we finally get our first load of camping stuff on the boat and my dad and 2 of my siblings and i go and sail to our island! yaaaay! only not so much, because the boat (catamaran) was so heavy at this point that we were super close to the water and the waves got everything soaking wet.

-20 minutes later-

so we finally get to the island and quickly unload all our stuff on the dock so my dad can sail back and get the rest of the crew. in all the hurry items fall in the water and we are all like wtf dad?? he just continues to do his maniac super speed unloading business and, im like crap, wtfing wont help here, so i jump in the water and collect all the floating objects

at this point you are prolly like, duuude prisca this story sucks, hahah and i dont blame you, i really did try to make it short, but,.,,, its 4 at night atm so..... my mind is kind of scrambled right now..... itll get a little more interesting I swear

soo sweet, here we are, I, prisca is soaking wet and bla di bla....its dark now and lydia silas and prisca are waiting on dock.... and my other two sibs arent here yet, geeeee should we get worried? -forshadowing-... aaaalright, everyone shows up and the fam is ready to camp


the next day

wasnt too bad, only bad things that happened was the discovery of the outhouse which was pretty terrible, and we ripped our tent.... because... uh.... we kind of had a tickle fest....... so we taped it shut with our awesome tape, aaaand our tent was functional again. ooops, what am i talking about...

-12 hours later-

that night we all wake up to a KABOOOOOM, and wtf??? i open my eyes and the top of the tent is 5 feet closer to my head than it was before. god..... must this happen..... OH RAIN! i forgot! it was so rainy! yep it rained a lot. the whole time really, it was... great.....


the next next day

we fixed the tent... but it kept raining, we decided to go on land and get food laptop(dont ask why) and all that good stuff.... raaaaaaain , we were all wet again, not that we really dried off very much. on the way back it was..... still raining we put the laptop and other things into the kayak with lydia in it, since it wouldn't rain on them. the kayak was being dragged by the boat it was being dragged for about five minutes and oq[ewthiadvndlkfjeotfihjbgad a wave goes over the tip of the kayak and it dives into the water lydia falls out and holy crapp it was so messed up. bam lydia in water, omg omg computer sinking? yea prolly, the bucket with dads wallet and phone is floating further away, aaaak screaming! crap, computer lost, im like :OOOOOOO and kablaaaa! i leap into the water and grab the bucket and swim back on boat...... phew.... that went really fast.... magically the computer was still in the flipped kayak and lydia quickly got it out the whole time every one was like oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit and the wind was blowing and it was raining..... (the computer was in 2 trash bags so we hoped it may have stayed water tight, (it didnt, the computer died))

-20 minutes later-

finally we get back to our great moist, wet, drenched island, all of us shivering and dripping with water, all happy to get back into our tent we walk up to our tent....... we look at our tent....... we are like........ oh....... shit........ with all the rain on the old tent, it collapsed, it collapsed way way way, and we look inside and everything is sitting in 2 inch high water, everything is sooooooaked. jesus christ , we couldnt just sail back to our car and chill in there for the night, we were literally fucked. it was already dark and was getting a lot colder. we were stranded on the island with no tent, no dry clothes, no nothing


we had no choice but to run over to the campers next to us, they set up a roof made of their old tarp. with our wet clothes we were freezing so we had to take them off. (oooh la la ( no....shut up... it was cold....)) there we were all in our bathing suits setting up our rescue spot i ran over to our tent, which at this point... was kind of like..... an underground sewer..... blech ..... wearing nearly nothing, flashlight in my mouth i was crawling around in this broken tent dragging out all our water soaked things.

-3 hours later-

we ended up under our little roof wearing random moist shirts we found..... NOTHING was dry..... aaaand we wore mens boxer shorts XDDDD hahahhahah, it made me crack up. the funny thing is... they didnt get wet because they were new and still in the plastic package, ok im sorry... i think that is too funny..... but hey, we had no pants, that was all we had!!!! :O aaaaaaaah!

i must say tho, we were super lucky, we had another tarp to sleep on and another one to lay under, we put our wet sleeping bags on top of them to keep us warm. however,.... tarps are really not made of material that you want to get too close to.... gaaaar , imagine sleeping under..... under...... i dont even know..... its even worse than just plastic. we all huddled under this great..... umm.... bed? anyway.... we all felt like refugees, and that was the longest god damn night of my life. i was just laying there... and you could move or else youd squish the person next to you or let cold air in.


so we were just lying there.... all night long..... seriously .... you wouldnt have been able to sleep either.... it was dark and wet and icky and its so bloody hard to just lay there and do nothing for 7 hours , and it was sooooo dark, the sun would just never come! it was scary, we had no idea how long to wait. at one point we thought that this was going to be the end of the world, that the sun was just never going to come... nightmare worthy

-831812 hours later-

but alas the sun came and it was all good, that night was ooooover, we still had lack of clothes tho.... and we had to make trashbag raincoats to keep us warm and dry, because guess what.... it kept raining, when it fiiiinaly stopped... thank god.... i really wanted to go home...... we built a fire and dried some clothes for us to wear. it was pretty epic... i may have burnt some things...... nah.. not really, they just all got really really stinky, but thats ok, we finally had moist clothes again, opposed to soaked, so that was good,

aaand so we finally got to get off that beautiful island and retreat back to humanity and revive ourselves.



Thanks for sharing your story it reminded me of a wonderful day on a horrendous camping trip funny how that happens.

haha yes, somehow those type of disasters create the most memorable stories