Greece Experience #1: Escape

in #adventure7 years ago

In September i finished my exams for this year, so i decided to escape from - meanwhile cold and rainy - Munich. I guess you all know the searching machine „skyscanner“!? In ordert to get the cheapest deal, i searched for flights from Munich to EVERYWHERE.
The result: One way ticket to GREECE

And this was my equipment.
All essential things in one bag.
My sleeping berth at the beach.
Shaping a natural mattress out of sand :)

Waking up in the morning. Quiet and peaceful :)

„Isn’t it dangerous to sleep at the beach?“ people asked me - also due to the fact that i stayed at an island, many refugees were. The most dangerous i experienced was being attacked by a cat in the middle of the night – but in a friendly way :)


Since i didn’t plan the tripp in detail, i discovered some places random in the following three weeks. Because i slept outside, i didn’t have to book rooms beforehand. I planned my days maximum three days in advance, but most oft the time i let the things just come to me. I prefer this way of travelling more than planning every day exactely. Sometimes it makes sense to do so, for example when there are some special things to visit in a place or if you have not much time. But most oft the time i feel more fulfilled just exploring the place in situ by going around and getting contact to the people that live there. With this attitude i sometimes reached places other tourists didn’t even hear about, cause they just got there information out of their guidebook.

For me travelling is all about the people i meet. I can go to Akropolis in Athens for instance and read about the history (which is very interesting and impressive by the way – imagine walking on the same stones, Sokrates walked over 2000 years ago. It’s amazing!!!). But top priority is having people around that i have fun with. So in Athens i was exploring the Acropolis with an syrian, english, mexican and spanish guy, all of them i met accidentally at the hostel. It was great to share this day with them. Maybe i didn’t get the maximum information from all the information boards, but we created our own history.

Travelling is about meeting people – and cats of course ;)


hi, just try making posts with more photos and information (:

Thaks for this hint! i'll try ;)