Lost Power Today - How To Survive A Power Outage In Comfort

in #adventure7 years ago

Disaster or emergency can strike at any time. Being prepared is important. Today we lost power for a long time but although it was cold and windy outside, we made it through in comfort.

Being preppers my wife and I are ready for any type of emergency at any given time. We have bug out bags loaded and ready to leave in a moment's notice. We have preps on hand inside the house as well for just such an occasion as this.

We had some severe strong and damaging wind all night and into the day. The wind knocked out power to our area. We are working on going off the grid anyway but we are not fully there yet.

For most people when the grid goes down it means darkness. For those in colder climates such as ours, it means suffering and cold when the heat goes out. Most modern homes require electricity in some way to keep the furnace running. Even modern pellet stoves require electricity to keep going safely.

We have a wood furnace. This is like a wood stove crossed with a furnace. It has a blower but this is optional. We keep pots of water on the wood stove all the time anyway. So when the power went out, I bathed as usual using the hot water and our solar powered shower.

My wife and I both had a cut of hot coffee in the morning as usual. This is a nice comfort to have during a power outage. We use a single cup coffee brewer which sits on top of the coffee cup. A reusable coffee filter reduces waste. All you have to do is boil water and pour it through the coffee grounds in the filter. And then you can enjoy a perfectly brewed cup of coffee with no electricity.

We keep rechargeable LED lights on hand all the time anyway so when the lights were out, we just grabbed the LED lights and life went on as usual.

We also always keep some jugs of water on hand for emergency and I am happy for that.

I taped off the toilet flushing handle to prevent accidental flushing of the toilet. This would drain the water lines and waste valuable water. Most homes have quite a few gallons of water pressure in the lines that is still available after the power goes out. Our well pump is still on the grid so we lost water this morning.

One single flush of the toilet though and it would be all gone.

Keeping granola bars on hand gives you instant food with no preparation or mess. We buy these on discount by the handful when they go on sale. These are a staple in our house for emergency, hiking or camping.

I think that everyone should be prepared for disaster at all times. Most people never think about these things though until they happen. But then it is too late.

Every family should try a day without turning on the grid power just to see how it turns out.

You can watch the video I made using my cell phone this morning here:

Surviving A Power Outage


Hey Troy why have you got three separate accounts in here. Isn't that breaking the rules? Oh ya rules don't apply to you do they?

Rules aren’t laws. For T-liar rules are meant to be broken.......constantly.
T-scammer’s known steemit accounts so far:

What is this, account number 4 of FREE accounts you have created on steemit??? You are supposed to PAY for accounts 2, 3 & 4!!!

All run by @thediyworld, all created by you.

The steemit community doesn't like people like you who abuse it by not following the etiquette put in place that you PAY for additional accounts, which you have the money for!
Under "Am I allowed To Create More Than One Account"

When you filmed your recent sit down videos at night in the chalet, you told me the ceiling lights were "off grid".

Why didn't you turn them on for this video instead of fumbling around in the dark?

How's that toilet water tasting moron?

Why do you need to go into survival mode when your 95% OFF Grid?

You cut very little fire wood, how will you keep the vacation chalet warm with no insulation and no fire wood for your "wood burning" furnace? Or maybe it's propane?!
Plenty of firewood available on Craig's List in your town.

because this video is a fraudulent scam. He does have flashlights that were given to him but the heat is propane and electric- he never hooked up his wood stove. He did no different than anyone else that looses power for a little while. If he lost power for a few days all his meat in the freezers would spoil. He often is stuck at the trailer house without transportation because even though he is a prepper his vehicles don't get needed maintenance and often won't start. These are the vehicles his parents gave their 50 year old son that just never could make it on his own in this cruel world.

It is a priority to have granola bars and a "Happy" cup of coffee when the power goes out?

Yep, that baby just loves her morning coffee and granola bars. Not having teeth is a problem but if she is hungry enough its her job to get off her back and down them granola bars.

How do you know there's a power outage when you said all year your trailer and chalet are 95% OFF Grid?

It is, well all except the well pump and water heater and stove and lights and furnaces and everything else except the flashlights.

trtesticle please show your long form DD214 Army discharge status that you promised to show weeks ago. Are you hiding something? What does your performance review say about you? Still waiting... as always your friend, hb. ps having 'happy coffee' typing this.

I have some of them. : ) I'm happy to know that as a man I have Testicale

I love how you can Up Vote your own comment and make money.
Who pays you for that?

When you filmed your recent sit down videos at night in the chalet, you told me the ceiling lights were "off grid".

Why didn't you turn them on for this video instead of fumbling around in the dark?

How did u get yet ANOTHER channel???? Scaming again.