I need advice......

in #advice7 years ago

I'd really like some advice on self care. I've had a really rough few years and developed some bad habits, including emotional and occasionally physical self harm. Do you know of good ways to combat anxiety? I need all the advice I can get.eeeeeeeee.jpg


A support network is hugely helpful, preferably friends and family but it can also consist of social network groups. Good nutrition, (does not have to be extreme, just real food is a good start, low carb even better). Exercise, something outdoors if possible and fun. Lastly - Focus - what you think about will determine your emotional state, sometimes it’s better to just move, breath and dont believe your thoughts, just let them drift by. Emotions are a bit like weather, they pass, but your habits, the small things you do all the time, they shape your life. Hope that helps - really it is hard to be human for so many reasons, but your never alone.

I've been seeing a naturopathic doctor for a couple of years. For supplements to help anxiety, I take L-Theanine and 5 HTP. I've also seen a hypnotist.. it's not weird like I thought, just a way to access your subconscious and change pattern of thoughts using positive affirmations. And if the problem is your environment, toxic people, toxic job.. then change your environment.