The Anti-Social Guy’s Guide to Get the Girl: INTRODUCTION

in #advice7 years ago

The Anti-Social Guy’s Guide to Get the Girl: INTRODUCTION
Let me start off with a scenario that most of us guys have been in at least once in our lives. So you’ve finally bucked up the courage to ask that one girl out on a date or maybe you are about to go on that date with said girl. You still feel nervous however so you turn to a close friend and he or she says “Just be yourself.” Right… Thanks. Who else were you supposed to be right? If you’re tired of getting the same unhelpful advice like I was then you’re in the right place. I’m going to show you step by step instructions on how on how to talk to the girl, get the date, and get the girl.

In this series I’m going to show you how to:
• Meet and talk to women in public
• Meet and talk to women over dating apps
• Ask her out
• Plan the date
• Have the date go well enough for another

If you’re okay with staying single forever then quite reading because yes you can be perfectly happy being all by yourself for the rest of your life. But if you’re ready to start having a better dating life then you’ll definitely want to keep reading.