in #advice7 years ago (edited)

From a very young age, we loved pointing the finger at other people to avoid getting in trouble and we were told time and time again that we should never do that.
If something is your fault, you have to take responsibilty.
As we got older our mistakes got bigger, but too many people still act like children refusing to take responsibility.

Here's what happens when we do that.

blame shifting.png

First of all, someone who usually had nothing to do with the whole thing has to live with the consequences.
Whether that's getting grounded, a bad grade, losing a friend and in extreme cases getting arrested.

But since people who enjoy shifting blame don't tend to care about that, let's view this from a more selfish perspective.
When you deny doing something, or even admit to doing it but still insist that your actions weren't the reason that something happened, you justify things to yourself.
If you insist that it wasn't you or rather your fault, you eventually start believing yourself.

And that's much worse than other people believing you.

When you don't acknowledge that you ever made a mistake, you are much more likely to repeat that msitake rather than learn from it.
You shift the blame somewhere else, judge other people for actions you performed and take on the victim role in the whole situation.
You might even get away with it the first few times, but eventually every mistake will catch up to you.
And when they do, the consequences will be a lot more serious.

And while you're denying being human and making mistakes, you could be acknowledging that fact and learning from it.
That way you can avoid repeating the same patterns all over again.

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Love, Thought Sandwich
