Team Steem — I’m finding a lot of interesting content on our platform, but would like to be more actively involved in a community or two. Like, Im talking, communities I could POUR myself into, you kno?
My interests?
Economic implications and analyses involving the crypto sphere - I was an econ major in college. While a lot of us were picky students in university, it becomes a lot easier to be voracious learners in “real life” because you realize that real life learning is... well, real! So, I’m looking to revisit these econ roots in today’s finance 2.0 world
Health and wellness - I am training to become a hypnotherapist and I am a daily qi gong practitioner, workout lover, and healthy food fanatic (like a good Millennail I am obsessed with kale, avocados, and artisan toast, sorry not sorry). But like other humans, I fall off the bandwagon every so often and love connecting with others who can hold each other accountable to living our best lives
History and Film - One of my favorite hobbies right now is making coffee-and-fun-facts vlogs for my own enjoyment. I have started posting these on DTube and mostly feature San Francisco history and facts!
Life lessons/relationships/philosophy - Deep shit. I like that stuff. Let’s just put it this way: I like reading @chrismccron @denmarkguy and @raymondspeaks for this reason :)
Alright! Enough about all that — what communities, groups, tags, etc. do y’all recommend for a lass like me?!
Yeahhhh dunno what that says, but thanks I guess! =P
Beutiful girl
You referred to yourself as a lass, that's awesome :-) As for communities, well there are the Discord chat communities. PAL/MSP is a big one which you can find here: https://discord.gg/cHVtTMn. On that server they have many different groups and initiatives for steemit users.
For crypto/financial info and lessons you can check out @scaredycatguide (full disclosure that is my main acct) for daily content.
I agree on reading denmarkguy, he and I read each others blogs.
Dude, yall two are freaking stars. Thank you for the advice re:discord, sounds solid to me!!