Seeking advice: How do you sit?

in #advice6 years ago

Arggh, I'm in pain

On Sunday evening, my lower back started hurting. I hadn't done any exercise that day that could have caused it, nor did I notice an exact moment when it started. I have a strong suspicion it is from too much sitting. At the computer. Doing things like reading and writing steemit posts. Something I love to do.

I shifted around on my chair, tried different tables and put the laptop in my lap. It just got worse.
Source: pixabay

Ok, I admit, that picture is a bit over the top, it isn't quite as bad. It does pull down to my hips, butt and thighs though but luckily, my neck is fine.

Due to my chronic hep B I'm probably a bit too cautious about pain killers. I avoid them unless the pain is unbearable. It wasn't bad enough for that but it was bad enough to keep me off the computer for almost three days.

A psychosomatic element?

While I strongly suspect my chair as the main culprit, it just so happened that I got a phone call from my dad, eerily coinciding with the pain. My mum who had touch-and-go heart surgery three years ago, and was told at the time that any future anaesthesia would be too risky, was in hospital. They thought she needed surgery. It was a tense few days.

A few hours ago I learned that she responded well to the drugs they had given her and therefore, the surgery can be postponed. Phew! Lucky escape. For now. But she is elderly and she is frail, so basically I have to be prepared to make the long trip from Australia to Switzerland at any time, under circumstances you don't want to make a trip. Ever.

I'm generally pretty good at relaxation, mindfulness and looking after myself but I guess this situation is still a constant source of stress in the back of my mind, or just in my back. Maybe it was enough on Sunday night to give me that backache.

Cutting to the chase

The pain has somewhat receded by now (due to the break in computer time or softening of alarm bells I don't know, probably both) but I can feel it crawling up my backside and spine again the longer I sit on this blooming chair. I'm going to have to hurry this post up.

So here's my plea for advice:

What are you sitting on?

I would wildly appreciate to hear about or see your chairs or other sitting options that DO NOT MAKE YOUR BACK HURT!

This here is my chair with my handsome Harry cat on it (and no, I do not use him as a cushion, haha). I thought it wasn't a bad chair but maybe some of you know more about ergonomics than I do. Most of all, I'm simply interested in your experiences of back-friendly sitting.


Just quickly: Why I didn't make this into an #ulog

I like the idea of ulogs but I'm still not quite clear about what constitutes one. First it sounded very easy, then I got the impression that ulogs are mainly meant to be in video form, and they are meant to be a daily thing. I'm not doing videos (yet) and I won't commit to anything daily, partly because that impacts on my freedom but mainly because I will always have random times when I feel like staying off the computer or off the internet entirely. If it's okay to do occasional Ulogs then I will gladly do that, when what I want to write feels like a Ulog (as is stated in the instructions). But this didn't really, so I didn't use the tag this time.

Anyway, thanks in advance for your suggestions about pain-free sitting.

As usual, a warm thank you to @welcomewagon and @teamaustralia for your support, and @dreemsteem, @andysantics, @eveningart and many others for your friendship, caring and wonderful interaction here on @steemit. I appreciate every single word from you that is directed at me, or not. Basically, everything you write or say is interesting to me. Much love xxx

I'm also a big fan of @dustsweeper who is supporting planktons and minnows. Sign up if you haven't yet.

Have a good rest of the week!
Peace always, Y. xxx


Good morning my friend <3

I'm so sorry to hear of the struggles in your life. I can almost feel my own breathing increase while I read your message

and - this is the perfect ulog :) it is a window into your day. That's all that a ulog is - it doesn't need to be a video - and it doesn't need to be everyday :)

think of it as a journal that we can all follow along - and learn more about you

it's exactly the way that you already write - so its a perfect fit for you. You should add Ulog to the tag :)

and... sitting. i do it too. i mean - too much. it's so bad for us - i tried for a few days to stand as long as I was on steemit. LOL not sure if i can do that - but i need a better option than sitting all day...

that first picture was pretty intense - i immediately thought - oh no!!!! is that what she feels???? but then you calmed me by saying it wasn't that intense in the next sentence! hehehehe

but... it still is intense. and without the option for using painkillers... and then the stress in your life... wow.

you've been going through a lot. I am sending you hugs and love and laughter and prayers my friend

thank you for sharing your heart with us all. <3

Thank you for caring and for your lovely words, Dreemie. I think it's the worry about my mum that made the backache feel so troublesome. We've always had a weird relationship, mum and I, so it's possible that I don't allow myself to really feel the worry and it manifests in other ways. And since I've been sitting too much that was the obvious place to put it (a bit of speculation there, haha). In any case, as soon as I sound like I'm complaining about my life, I feel like a drama queen. I must stress that my life is beautiful and happy most moments of every day. My struggles are very small to so many other people's. So this was not complaining, just stating the mood of the day as you say. I already feel much better. It's hard to feel blue with friends like you 😊

that's kinda what my ulog is about today. i'm feeling a little... pensive.

I'll tag you in the comments. :)

i love you Drazzy. I hope that things start to heal - everywhere for you

I’m not diagnosing you but it sounds an awful lot like sciatica, the source could come from anywhere even neck and shoulders. Check out dr John Bergman he explains it well. Don’t know much about chairs but you want a slight curve in the lower back the way your spine naturally sits and standing up frequently and moving around absolutely. Hope you feel better soon :) hello mr cat

Thank you, @stuffing, I will check that Dr out. Moving more definitely helps. I had a yoga class on Monday morning during which I could hardly feel it but after that it got worse again. I'm sure I'll get it under control.

If it's sciatica, a foam roller maybe?

I do a lot of yoga. I pretty much never have back ache as a result.

Thanks, @choogirl. It looks like it's only temporary and it's now improving. It wasn't from yoga, I had it before the session and the yoga made it better temporarily but then it came back. I had a nice long epsom salt bath this evening and that was so relaxing. I shouldn't be such a wuss. Lots of people live with chronic pain and what I have is nothing compared to that. It was pretty bad for a few days but I now feel a bit silly for making a fuss, haha.

Wow outstanding Janab really love it u r blog

@fushcarbon, I have been informed by @ginabot that you have downvoted this post and SteemWorld shows the same. If it wasn't an accidental mis-click, please enlighten me to the reason. There is definitely no plagiarism in this post and if there was anything else that deserves a downvote, I wish to know about it.

If @flushcarbon doesn't answer to this, would anyone else please offer an opinion?

I always try to do the right thing and I really didn't think I could possibly offend anyone with this post, haha. I like to think it was accidental but it still isn't nice at all so would appreciate if it could be reversed.