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RE: @polebird: ❤️ Calling ALL Aerialist ARTISTS and fanatics!! Community hashtag #aerialists ❤️

What a nice incentive!! Now I want to get back on the pole just to participate in this wonderful community you are trying to gather up! :) Maybe I should cheat and post something from good old days :D


I sure hope you do! I would love to something from the past! ❤️ I think this would be really fun if we could get an active community going. Please share with you friends if you have some that do anything aerial!

I definitely will! The challenge though is getting people on steemit first. I've been trying for 2 months now to convince them that this is so much nicer than facebook but no fortune so far. :(

Please post pics, even if they are old

Oh, double encouragement! That's nice! I definitely will then! :)