Ideas for Mobile Steem/SBD and Solar Phone, mobile banking, and Laptop charging stations with MTN/Lumio Battery Kits for villages without power or wifi, complete with built in laptop for new users to instantly signup to steem!
With Steem we can sponsor mobile banking, food selling and phone charging kiosks that also have built in tablets or laptops that people can use to actually signup to steemit (using our links so they get in without delay) and on top of charging people's smartphones and tablets, and selling food and drink directly for steem/SBD these kiosks, we can also sell new smartphones or tablets for steem/SBD. Imagine a new users who starts from $0, sees our kiosk, signs up on the built in tablet, paying for that usage by letting the kiosk employee take a photo with him to make a post, and imagine this person ends up making enough money to buy a smartphone WITH a preloaded MTNSimcard with 1 month of data (Like @mcsamm gives out to new steemians!)
They would be able to fund their new lives completely with their steem account, which they could even make at the kiosk for free!. Maybe we let them use the built in tablet for a few Ghanian cedi's (around 20 cents each) like a sort of mobile internet café. But the Kiosk worker can have their own steemit account which they can fill with stories of their daily grind, showing pictures of all the people who they signup or who buy food from them, and we could even hand out free food to people who signup and let us take photo and make a post about them, post rewards paying for the cost of the food.
I came up with this idea with my team ghana friends while in @mughat 's discord channel, in the voice of africa room I was meeting with my team, now including @steem4depoor @kofpato @brightacq @desmond41 @dannyzill @aquacy @chris-neiro @enockagbo1 and many more I will mention later. @dannyzill even offered to help fix @steem4depoor network problems by walking him through the local telecom companies official reporting system for bad connections, explaining how they cn come and adjust some antennas, refocus some radio beams and hopefully fix the bad connection once and for all! This I great news and @dannyzill sounded very intelligent with his problem solving skills and I recommended he make a post all about this, and focusing on MTN and upgrading their infrastructure will be fun and interesting task for ever steemian, because we will learn things we can use to ensure every developing nation has a chance to get online. Once you get online, everything else falls into place.
Here is a Video of @steem4depoor from his recent post thanking me and @surfyogi for sending him the money he need to buy a laptop AND smartphone, showing that we really are helping Africans get devices, and the funds to afford internet access and electricity!
Here is a picture of his laptop and smartphone that proves how successful steem is for us to help Africans and people in developing nations get a chance to compete in this world and bring BILLIONS of people to the steem blockchain!
But Internet is just 1/3rd of the Holy Trinity, we also need electricity, and devices/computers. Here is the Maslow's hierarchy of needs with wifi and electricity added, and I may even add a third one above wifi which is "Computer/mobile device/smartphone as the final need, and all the rest will follow
Once you have electricity, even from a solar panel and battery that only gives you 1 hour of smartphone usage a day, that is all you need to really START making money if you really had to! THEN with power you can get a Device working, and then you need internet, most likely from mobile data, which can be expensive, luckily @tj4real is selling monthly data a for 1 SBD (Maye change depending on SBD prices) and @mcsamm is buying MTN Mobile Data plans in BULK and issuing free simcards to steemians in Ghana, Africa!
@thejohalfiles brought me to trending page for the first time with my very old post "Operation Upgrade Africa" which got me almost $1000 at the time.
(And johal up voted @xpency @tj4real @mcsamm and @ortigas100 all on the same day, changing our lives forever.!
I helped pay for the internet bill of @tj4real when he couldn't afford it one month when we were new, and I made a post about helping him pay his internet bill, and I ended up making double of triple on the post rewards than what I actually paid AND he paid me back with interest in SBD eventually! So I started doing these sorts of posts investing in HUMAN CAPITAL, always making my money back and a lot of profit too! Now @tj4real has thousands of steempower and has given me so much money back in the form of his upvotes, and he is a serious inspiration for the Ghanian steem community, and if I hadn't taken a risk and sent money to a stranger from Africa, maybe he would have never been able to grow the way he did! By investing in PEOPLE with can create the most effective passive income strategies, because a human being can still do more than a bot can in social media. You can get SO much done when you hire assistants or incentive tasks that you need to get done, by using upvotes!
Here is an Example of an article that shows the rise of non conventional banks in the developing world where most of humanity lives and where most of the natural resources reside in the ground!
And here is an an example of an African startup company that is working with mobile solar battery charging solutions, and they are partnering with the big telecom company in Ghana and other African nations called MTN.
Here is the Video that explains this rechargeable battery startup project, which I believe will be an amazing system to actually help people keep their smartphones charged as long as they can pay them to be! It is a shame when people who have money, run out of electricity even when they are willing to pay to use more, when it runs out or when data is unavailable it is a waste!
Also, I just stumbled upon a GREAT post by an African Steemian @maryfavour whose post came up while google searching for pictures of @mcsamm and his mobile money simcards preloaded he gives out to steemians in Ghana... I really wanted to show pictures of those but instead I found this which is also incredibly relevant to show in this post!
Here is a video in that post explaining this Lumos MTN collaboration project , from the BBC channel description
So here are some more photos to get people used to what I am talking about, and to recognize how in Ghana and many African nations (and other developing nations) these mobile banking kiosks are very popular!
@dannyzill made this for us in @mughat 's discord channel where we meet in the "voices-of-Africa" voice/text chat room and have meetings for promoting steem in Africa, in a way that will make us all rich! Here is the Discord Link:
This Slogan "Your Network is your Net worth is ever so relevant for Ghanian Steemians! @steem4depoor will mention this in his board meeting for the Ghana Steem Blockchain Foundation NGO which already has positions he is filling with board members who are accepting payment in the form of Upvotes! Now that steem is reaching critical Mass in Ghana, people ACCEPT it as REAL money, knowing how many people accept it as cash money, and son people will be LINING UP to buy Steempower! Africans will be using Steempower as their PRIMARY bank accounts! @enockagbo1 and @desmond41 and @black-man are ALREADY working on AUTOMATING their Existing exchange program run by users like @anaman who routinely cash out people for their steem/SBD giving them fiat paper of digital MTN mobile money, here is the latest post about it below from Enock
I really see a HUGE potential to continue the work of @mcsamm and @tj4real and get @dannyzill working to represent MTN in the field and report to them all of the possible upgrades we could make, showing the potential list of steemians in Ghana, which can start to grow to the millions, and imagine how happy MTN would be to know that steem can give them a million new internet customers on their mobile network! Our Network is our NET WORTH!
Here are a few animated GIFs to symbolize with art what we are doing with steem! I am so hapy I commissioned these from @web-gnar
And this one shows @surfyogi me and @sweetsssj holding up Africa as Two Pillars from the east and west with a Block "chain"
Thank's for @web-gnar @elgeko and @axios for my animated awesome signature GIFs at the very bottom! Soon check out @wafrica and @artzone by @surfyogi for Steemit art projects to really bring talented artists here to create and get self funded! We can make a Deviantart AMT and migrate over people's existing art portfolio's from other art based social media, because here on steem they can actually achieve every artists dream and get funding for their own art forever! :D
Oh and one more very relevant @web-gnar and @ackza original collaboration that shows Facebook as dead in a traditional Ghana Coffin Funeral Dance with steemians dancing around it! ( come up with the concepts for these and @web-gnar produces them and adds his own style and elements to the mix as well! )
Thanks for reading, we have much work to do, remember to stop by @mughat 's discord channel to join our Team Ghana meetings and watch out for more Aynn Rand paid essay assignments to earn some steem for learning about rational self interest and objectivism!
@ackza I just read the whole POST and I am just Blown Away with everything that you are doing that will make a difference in so many peoples lives. If Crypto is not a gift to Free Humanity from Central Banking then what is ??
Thanks man, love seein our comments, i always know i have a supporter when I see that shark face from finding nemo
also yes crypto is the best thing to happen to humanity since internet and eletcricity because it actually allows moneyto flow freely without regulation and governmentand tyranny which has ALWAYS controlledthe flow of money in the past AND the simple physical fact that money was always physical and so it was subject to the same rules as everything in this physical world...
Crypto being DIGITAL money give it a totally different life and freedom .. But then ALSO being Blockchain allows it to be everywhere at once AND nowhere, at the same time, Like God, lol, and being decentralized allows it to keep going no matter who fuckin dies or gets arrested or invaded or occupied....
Its like the water is finally able to flow into every little nook and cranny when before it was being blocked, and that area of nooks and crannies was called poverty, that blockage was the poverty line.. And now we are lowering the poverty line down way down, allowing everyone who CAN be employed TO employ themselves, and we will find that the amount of people who actually would need some sort of assistance to live, like seriously disabled people, they would be able easily taken care of by the massive global middle class, through voluntary donations and private wallfare , no theft tax wealth redistrbution scam needed
Thanks man, love seein our comments, i always know i have a supporter when I see that shark face from finding nemo
also yes crypto is the best thing to happen to humanity since internet and electricity
I could not agree more and you @ackza and @surfyogi are showing how the Water can Flow.........
@Ackza and I are discussing this civilly like adults in private now.
We are finding some common ground.
Watch for @ackza to appear on an upcoming Steemitizens Of Steem show on the Steemstar Network to discuss this further together in public on the public stream, for all to observe and comment on in real time.
I removed a vote from other comments to get this one where you could all see it before the vitriol.
Do it man!
I want to hear/see this one ;-)
I give @ackza first go, all my best
Yes I reached out on discord, apologized for my heatedness, and I am glad we are moving on and got all of that out of our system
Yes we greed on our disagreement ad also found out it was miscommunication, like most arguments are :)
Checkout his show I will probbly be on in the future now
Well... I didn't include a straight "conclusion" in my comment, because....
See you on the stream ;)
please drop by to my account what's wrong
No - None of us have time for one on ones - read it here like everyone else.
also flagging for thinly veiled spamming your link.
Oh hey i found out hes actually someone trying to just help, he didn't know any better, he has thank yous to me and team ghana and just wants to be n Indonesia ambassador
illlet him slide, i dont wanna hurt the noob lol I honestly believe he doesn't know any better and doesn't understand why his comment would be against our unwritten rules, and I 100% m confident he will follow our wishes now that he knows
Fair point, I'll remind @patrice to remind me to remind her to remind all of us on the air, before her next Trash Talk with @Patrice on the SteemStar Network on Tuesday night ;)
Ok @sircork..
I am' sorry...
There is so much positive vibes here!
I am so happy to see Zach getting all over what's going down in Africa.
All kinds of things go on; it's important not to judge and just BOOST IT ALL!
I am always just in awe. So inspired.
thanks for everything, I love your posts, I am your student.
Do you know @edensgarden bot? If you are the owner yesterday I sent 0.8 SBD to you bot, where are my upvotes?
@ackza If we take a minute to analyze each aspect not only intellectual, but also economic that is a pillar of motivation within Steemit which is not a secret for all of us.
We can find that in the long term we can consider Steemit as a second job, of course without the obligations of having to follow a schedule or rules that are sometimes unfavorable for us as workers.
Then that stops us from producing within Stemmit, the truth from my point of view nothing. Investing 35% of our time within the platform is the key to have a base within this community without leaving our chores forgotten, as long as the user wants to stay within the community intermittently, ensuring that it will be present and collaborating with a grain of sand in the growth of the platform.
For users who live within the community and who spend 70% of their time creating content that is focused on informing, educating or entertaining. We will always find in these users a commitment and dedication to the growth of the platform, this has an enormous potential in the medium term, since constant and quality work can introduce us to a world of opportunities, where we will also be able to meet different people who are in Search for more knowledge and also want to share with other users that sea of ideas, to create a universe where power is knowledge and our only weapons are the passion to create.
As I always say: We can build a tower of ideas and turn them into reality, if we focus on what we want it sounds like something that only happens in movies but the truth is that in Steemit dreams can come true, with motivation and vision to future to achieve what we want.
Within Steemit there are endless projects that have great ideas, others that are in full growth as well as some projects with more humanitarian purposes that really leave the name of steemit at the top of the world filling the entire community with pride . These projects generate enough energy in this platform to continue working on innovative projects. This brings a great responsibility, since our most loyal followers are waiting for good content and ideas that can help us grow as a group and we can share this knowledge with the other users that make up the Steemit family.
Yes I have big responsibility here and must make sure my Optics looks good so we can thrive the fastest, and survive the future!
Nice comment, full 100% Upvoe very heady!
Incredible project brother. This is really a wake up call for many, showing the world Steem is not just introducing them to a jet age kind of life, but also bringing out the hidden talents in some, I was introduced to steemit by an admirer also when he was unable to keep it to himself, he admires my write ups and poem and when he saw I wasn't ready to get out of the cage I placed myself, he came up and said " Bro, you need to see the world of steem, I will show you this world because you can reach out to more people than I will ever do, you are talented". It was kinda flattery, lol, but coming over to steemit I understood something. To my perception steemit is more like Professor X and we all are mutants, lol. Weird thinking right, well I'm glad I'm out the box and I am a free thinker like the wind.
@ackza coming across this post, it did hit a nerve, though I am a Nigerian but believe it I celebrate you with this project and I believe someday soon, we will reach out not to all Africa but the world as a whole, and if possible we take steem to Mars.
This is the awakening, I am proud of you all.
And I pledge to be a force of change too. Thank you @steemit , Thank you @ackza
God bless you all.
I appreciate your motive, well its seems little bit complex but everything in this world can be achieved by hard work and dedication.
i promise that it only seems complex because I a just combining all of the things that we COULD have in a kiosk, to kill 5.3 birds with one bitcoin, and the solutions people already use in africa are actually just the most successful robust type systems, that can endure with the least amount of maintenance
I promise, it will all make perfect sense if you study steem more, or MTN system, and how mobile money works (just imagine paypal over textmessages, or venmo, where you can convert it to paper cash at any corner kiosk)
It is ineresting you say this tho, I forget how complicated it is sometimes
to a new personit WOULD sound pretty intensely cpmplex with all of this jargon MOST peope have never heard of before
so this will now be a reminder to simply explain and reexplain everything I write about, as if everyone reading it has never heard of steemit or Ghana before... And I understand how important that stuff is, to make sure more people can actually get what your talking about, may not see like my problem but it is, if I what to reach as many people as possible! So thank you!
Thanks for the suggestion
Hey @ackza after reading this article i just became your fan.
Helping people and stand beside them is one of the great job in this world .
You're doing that. Brave @ackza man bravo !!!!
Never stop this, keep moving .
Waiting for your next article.
Bless up !
next article will be an update soon about the new Steemit Instant Account Hotline I set up and how I have now signed up almost 10 people so far in the last 2 days
I should do a video for dtube/youtube explaining to people how to apply for n instant account if they can't get in the normal way
Every person I pay 0.1 steem to onbaord is an instant follower and future upvoter of mine! They will ALL most Likelybe SO grateful for how I paid out of pocket to help Them, a stranger, join steemit, thattheyll all be probably upvoting my prjects as soon as they have enough steempower for it to really matter...i just know it
Yeah that will be great .
Daily Learn some new from your post. Love to read it.
Great stoy and good writing.i like your post and upvoted.
I enjoyed reading your post. There is a lot of good stuff.i wish your success @ackza
Stop upvoting this. We have one we mutually pinned below (or back above this one) outlining an upcoming on air open air discussion with @ackza and I in the next three weeks as our mutual schedules permit. Pin that one.
Bring your friends, and some popcorn and booze and weed.
YOU sure do a lot!
Over at @YouAreHOPE, we credit the folks in Africa for what they do for themselves and help them whenever we can.
I personally, don't do shit.
Bragging is pretty unbecoming Ack, and you and Stella sure do seem awful keen on yourselves.
Pretty gross to read, actually.
Is this about them? Or you. Look within.
The people YOU do all the things for, are looking at you, Trust me.....
Do you know how many people are disgusted by this display of arrogance?
All of the people are.
They aren't your stage props, they are people, and you cannot BUY them. we quit doing that to the good folks of the subsahara, like two hundred years ago.
Nice job quoting another person to prove a point about me lol
There is a reason they spelled your name wrong sircock

it wasn't a typo XD
Read your own quotes, hoss. they're covered permanently in the chain
And shirt fail was obviously on purpose to everyone who has eyes on you. We have that observation made way before you admitted it too,
You would do that, because you are selfish prick, of course, it fits your profile.
but thanks for continuing to prove you are an asshole?
Wtf bro I didn't even talk about myself at all... What.. The fuck.. are you talking about the GIFs @web-gnar made for me? What the hell man
You also admit that you don't do shit, is this supposed to be cool? Are you seriously trying to guilt me for having rational self interest and being successful and using my success to work with a developing nation I see opportunity in? Are youa communist bro? Wtf? Why are you such a jealous prick?
BIGOTRY OF LOW EXPECTATIONS is what you are doing bro... Its so true...
You treat africans like they are some special little endangered species PET, they are people who can make up their OWN decisions, and so can I
if your mad at @stellabelle go take it up with her @sircork
how DARE you say I am talking to much about myself ON Y OWN FUCKING BLOG
How do you know that I myself am not African or of African decent? How do you know I am not part Ghanian myself?
Hey @ackza i want you to know this.
There are really great opportunities in the world we live in, and it takes positive minded people like yourself to realize that.
And the other thing is that every BIG MOVE you make is going to get massive attention coupled with stiff opposition and backbiting. there're haters everywhere but don't let their actions break you, instead use it to strategize.
The HATERS always make us STRONGER and BETTER
This is getting serious, I get the point each person is trying make, y'all should sort it out.
My point is made. Let Ack keep talking, he just keeps digging a bigger hole.
I came up with this idea
I helped pay...
I made a post about helping him pay his internet bill, and I ended up making double of triple on the post rewards than what I actually paid
AND he paid me back with interest in SBD eventually! So I started doing these sorts of posts investing in HUMAN CAPITAL, always making my money back and a lot of profit too!
You charged them interest on a loan and use them as your little atm machine?
That's not charity or helping, that's sharking.
Look me and the stinc delegated block chain abuser treat them like toy yo-yos for profit!

Yer awesome
Your point is very valid, in as much we want to document our works to show progress or impacts. We can do so with little or less self glorification
Yes I agree, just unfair to call what @ackza did here self glorification, and even if he did, it is his own blog, he can talk about himself
It is just a meme, and not "aggrandizement"
You're really mixing up my point, I get the message you're trying pass. Won't stress it further
Aggrandize this....
I am a VP of Tech for an international enterprise SaaS product company.
I have given away nearly ALL of my own personal income for the first six months on the system, until just this year, when I started retaining some to go on this world wide trip to meet steemians in the field in five countries.
I founded a charity that has nothing to do with profit on PURPOSE, because that is how GIVING works. That is how supporting your fellow humans WORKS.
Bragging about profiting off you guys?
Is so disrepectful, I am literally sick to my stomach to see such behavior in the year 2018, here on a platform which is made to empower YOU, not others to use you as tools for their own gain.
Read his words again. The joke make have been funny once - It isn't funny a whole blog's worth, at that point? It's delusions of grandeur and a sick sick statement on how he views YOU.
you are right..dear Tytran
@ackza has helped me a lot. He made me. And I owe him a lot of gratitude. And I will forever give thanks like a pilgrim.
Did he make you, or did YOU make you? I'd like to think you are just being humble. As a good man SHOULD be.
I don't mean no disrespect @sircork, but you are wrong with this opinion.
Sometime in june or july 2017, I earned $1,300 with the help of @ackza when his posts were making just $12 each. He never asked me for a dime and all he did was to continue encouraging @tj4real and I.
He might be making some meme that people are not satisfied with, but he doesn't post them without permission from the people the posts are about.
He might also have a different way of expressing what he has done, but of course we are all different beings.
If you do similar things, helping countries in the African continent, won't it be better if you hit him up personally than comment this on his post ?
THANK you @xpency I wanna drop this here too so my SBD/steem sent to kofpato in the last moth can be high lighted so people know I am just promoting a Project I funded, and not taking any credit for anything I wasn't involved in.
I think we should have a more open attitude about People posting about projects they give money out of pocket to support AND to pan with hours of time over meetings on discord on voice chat, planning events and encouraging users with daily meetup Bonuses to PROVE to these relatively new users back then that steem was real and I would be supporting them no matter what!
I just want to promote his projects! I left a Link, butIf I did leave a photo f a backpack WITH my name on it, I dot see hats wrong with that ether, I would have made it custom with lis to kofpato and me and @brightacq and I would have been working WITH them on it, and the money I make off post Like that I can keep sending to them, but the money I make comes from my whale ad dolphins and minnow supporters so it should be NONE of anyone's business what I get upvotes for, its not their money and people should have respect for each others private property and their successes, I respect successes of others posts, even if they want to just talk about team Ghana, f they have followers that worth it in itself! But I actually share my SBD but I use it to INVEST into Projects and I make posts about it to recoop any costs so I cn KEEP paying to Feed MORE orphans and clothe more poor people and to educate more children and its a great system, we should all be using it to crowdfund to help humanity, steem is the ultamite humantiarian aid tool that brings the BEST f the technological world to the areas that need it the MOST
These people in Africa are y friends now, not some foreign people we need to handle with care, no they are business partners, and I don't talk about it much, But I am CEO, of Ackza Inc, a very profitable Media Company and I am a leader in team Ghana, I create ideas and provide resources, and I honestly DON'T talk about it as much as I SHOULD, There is nothing wrong with being honest about how I am able to lead people. I will never apologize for what I am doing here with #teamghana because as far as I'm concerned I am not promoting our team ENOUGH and since I know I am an honorary meber of team ghana and will become an honorary CITIZEN of Ghana one day, I will have npo problem representing them, AS a White Person, TO the WHITE community in a way an African in Afruica just cannot, for Geographic and socioeconomic reasons. And I will represent them, in the spirit of what I understand to be YouAreHopes mission statement, which II believe is to provide a Voice for the voiceless yes? Well I feel I have done nothing but good for steem and Ghana and Nigeria and If any team ghana member does NOT want me to link THEIR post in MY blog, they cn tell me, but as far as I'm concerned, I have already provided Kofpato with the chain of events by resteeming ND featuring his Soccer Post, and getting it to over $150 yes I KNOW I helped that because I put in work promoting, resteeming, Writing a post that Included it as feature INCLUDING many OTHER features NOT just his OK? And I also sent the ink to a few whales I knew, and I have no problem with continuing my social Media Marketing. If anyone has a problem with me mentioning a LINK to their post they an tell me and reach me very easily and I can remove it but I will only deal with the actual content creator and not people claiming to represent them :D
Thank you sircork for your support We really do appreciate it and sorry again for the heated argument that erupted in here but I cannot apologize when I did nothing wrong, it was just a misunderstanding on your part, and I forgive you
I'm just providing a conduit for people to help themselves - go read it all, never once do i claim to be your sugar daddy, I ALWAYS defer the respect and honor to the people in the 9 countries we've joined forces with to the people who actually DELIVER the ideas, missions and execution.
I seeded nothing but an idea, and stepped back to simply remind people of the idea.
People do the rest themselves.
Compare the messages.
Hey steemitizens, help each other, I will provide nothing but connections between you all.
Hey ,look how I used these people to make a profit!!! Yay ME!
They are not similar at ALL.
We operate fully transparently with weekly public meetings for direction. I don't even make decisions here for YAH, the community does.
So you know, Apples, and junkfood are not equal.
This beef is NOT ABOUT ME, THATS the whole point!
It's about you! And your dignity.
@sircork watch out for @richforever planning with individuals in the Accra team to initiate great NGO projects. And I have recommended @sircork to them. Some are in the process of registering their business at the Registrar's General Department. @josyextrao is one of them.
I will link them up pretty soon.
I'll keep an eye out, The majority of the good men being used in this post to boost other people's egos are unhappy and frequently in touch with me. I speak for all of us, and YouAreHOPE will be happy to hear about more opportunities to be of service to these fine steemtizens. Send them to any of our representatives.
Sure will do that.
Ackza is doing good work
Sorry for this misunderstanding
I think team Ghana will speak for themselves
Yes, I'm sure they will - see above comment from @richforever. And I'm sure the others will speak if they wish. I talk to several of them frequently.
The word selfish does not work like you think it does. Look above, and learn how it is applied.
Keep an eye on who is agreeing by upvote too, and where they live.
uh yeah @richforever isnt going to get sucked into your little fued, he is a business man, no need to suck him into your drama spiral
Look I get that your mad at stellabelle, for what she said, but i am NOT her, so don't use HER quotes to prove how selfish I AM, OK?> makes no sense, its called misdirected anger
You make promises and you don't do shit, you promisedto help @xpency and you didn't d shit
shut the fuck up and go do something productuive you biggot of low expectations
I have every right to make money in Africa, be happy I choose to take on that challenge,
seriously fuck you and what stelabelle doesor says is not my fucking fault or business and she can say what she wants AND she iS funding Ghanians so what the hell is your problem
go nit pick someone else
All I hear is how much of an asshole you are from the people in Africa
Sorry but your COMMENt with richforver doesn't worth to virtue sgnal
Youre really getting me mad talking this shit, now go fucking jerk off and relax about MY fucking projects

Me My I
By the way, there are no sides...
Only humans, my brothers, sisters and equals, who generally, are better men and women than I am ever going to be, working harder, doing more and accomplishing so much on so little. I am proud to be a servant to them.
But you know, keep talking about you.
wow, ok so how about we all just move on and start working together?
Tell me again what @ackza did wrong?
He used first person singular pronouns? :D
Your integrity, honor and respect.
He shit on them.
I've never HEARD of xpency?
Great work man, the steemit Ghana team really appreciate you.
You're the MAN..!
I'm not shallow enough to flag this down like a selfish prick would do (er, did do, out of low self confidence faced with the truth, must suppress it!), cute image ;) Is it a potato head of Ackza? LOL Nice.