It's Time for change. The People are speaking. Africa is leading the change.

in #africa6 years ago (edited)

Africa is seeing it's greatest challenge to date as the internet powers up the people into recreating their reality.

For too long the suppression of the citizens across the globe has eaten away at our inherent compassion for our community. We've been driven to a selfishness that's focused purely on possessions as our means of measure. Losing touch with the honor and integrity with which we should be guiding our decisions and actions.

Uprisings and riots across the Western Cape of South Africa are showcasing the shear torment turned to rage that the people are experiencing. Whilst Mr Ramaphosa is winging his way around the world, seemingly oblivious to the tornado brewing in his backyard. (14.8.2018)

Power Shift :: A word to the wise

Power of old was dictated by the 1%. The few who held the most fiat currency in their hands. That power has shifted. No force can withstand that of an angered people. Connectivity has enabled an awareness and consciousness to grow that can now not be stopped and must be respected for the values it brings to the masses.

Now that the power has shifted to the people. Or should we say, the people are recognising their power and beginning to use it, those currently holding the seat of governance must acquiesce to the demands of their citizens or lose favor fast. Elections are always a reason to be more conscious of what your people need and giving it to them. A faraway 'leader' with only business in mind will not see return on that investment when the people speak their minds.

The strife being suffered, now highlighted to the world through traumatic rioting, fires destroying thousands of homes & loss of lives is merely the beginning of what is to come, should their very real issues not be addressed.

A radical change of attitude among the governments is needed, now.

Africans are hungry for change so are creating it

As an eternal geek and lover of technology, I spend a lot of time investigating emerging technologies that are yet to be built and those already in play such as Blockchain. During the research and investigation I meet a lot of people across every sector of life, globally. Many of those are emerging out of the woodwork here in Africa, dedicated to creating conscious, positive change for all.

The emerging technology innovations I'm seeing across the continent are part of the new economics that the people are desperate for, not against governance, but supporting and assisting in making governance simpler, more effective and... more trustworthy.
These innovations and genius minds are emerging from frustration at the injustices the majority of the population are suffering whilst also recognising the need for a means of trade, regulations and governance.

As more and more corruption becomes public, so the people are becoming more and more outraged at the money being squandered whilst their lives are in tatters.

Power Shift :: Millennial Reality

Below is a map of Africa with the average ages of the greatest sector of the population per country.
See the ages... Millenials and their younger siblings are the the power of the future that will be driving the change.
Africa is the youngest continent, it's growing connectivity means global knowledge acquisition by a hungry and frustrated people who know no limits.
The unlimited learning opportunities and ability to drive your career via online means fewer 'land' jobs needed whilst also spearheading a continent wide autodidact movement. This surge in self empowerment is quickly taking hold as teens don't see limitations like adults do. They've been born into technology as a part of their existence. Change is also part of their lives, daily.
There is no stopping a purpose driven, passionately focused African.

Africanacity Youngest Population - Africa 2018.png

Power Shift as Africans gain control of themselves and their lives

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