Possible ways of eliminating cultism in school

in #africa7 years ago

Cultism which has been described as the moth­er of crimes, has always been a cankerworm in the fabric of our society and it has spread to affect every aspect of socie­ty, and while it swept through our tertiary institutions of learn­ing, it is gradually penetrating to dehumanize and reduce the fu­ture of our younger ones even in the secondary schools, and then from there to the society at large. Hardly a month goes by without a report of some sorts of cultists’ activity, resulting in loss of lives and other levels of injures to some people.
So, fear is always there, espe­cially for the new intake (stu­dents entering the Universities and the other higher institutions for the very first time). It usual­ly throws them into panic even in considering their choice of school.
There are a number of precau­tionary actions/steps a student should take if he/she wants to stay safe in the school.

  1. Choose accommodation wisely: Whether you choose to stay in the school hostel or off campus, it is very important you make inquiries. Ask questions like; do cultist disturb people in the area? Is there adequate secu­rity? Though there is no area that is entirely crime free, but people will be able to point you to the safer areas in the environment. Take their advice into consider­ation since you are a johny-just-come (JJC) in that environment to enable you stay safe.
  2. Choose association wise­ly: There is a popular saying “show me your friend and I will tell you who you are”. This is vi­tal for your survival.
    Many students have gotten into serious trouble because of they keep wrong friends, people of bad character. Be careful and distance yourself from friends and acquaintances that have shady lifestyle.
  3. Watch your dress and grooming: Clothes are meant to cover nakedness and not to show flamboyant lifestyle. In some places, certain colours are asso­ciated with cult group/gang from experience; being dressed entirely in a single color will call attention of wrong people. So avoid being dressed everytime in black, blue, red or yellow. Hairstyles also are pointers, like dreadlocks, Mo­hawks, skin cuts.
  4. Avoid late nights and wild parties: Do your possible best not to stay out later than 8pm or 9pm. Most cult activities take place at night. Going into the campus to read at night should either be done in group or avoided entirely.
    Again, do not attend all par­ties, a lot of people step on the wrong toes, getting themselves into unnecessary problems. Ask yourself, “who is organizing the party? What type of people are expected there? Will there be se­curity? Please note that you are in the school for learning and not for party. You will have lots of time for party after school.
  5. Be quick to refuse volatile situations: Despite all your pre­cautions, trouble may still come calling because that is the nature of the world we live in, but no matter the situation, avoid con­frontations at all cost.
    You may fight and win, but for cultists, it does not end there; they will look for ways to get back at you. So try and defuse tense sit­uation with smile, apologize and walk away. After all, a popular saying has it that “sometimes we stand in the house of a coward to point at the ruins of a brave man.
  6. Relationship: It is painful that most students enter the net of cultists because of relationship they keep. Most cultists’ troubles come from the statement “he/she took my girlfriend or boyfriend.” Please don’t wait to be threatened because of a boy or girl.
    You have very short time in that environ­ment; you will have all the time for relationship after school.
    Better safe than sorry. If you can find yourself and trade on these paths, you will never be a victim .