in #african7 years ago


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The state of marriage today is for all intents and purposes, a global concern.

Available statistics can be alarming. The United State has the highest degree of divorce state in the world. South Korea take the second place in this league. In Western Europe, it was gathered that 40% of marriage end in divorce within the first three to four years. The number of one parent family is steadily on the increase; the inexorable demands of homosexual and lesbian couples for more rights of bisexual families send a shoulder on those whose view of family life is still traditional.


In the face of all these and more problems, we in Africa, and Nigeria in particular, can have the tendency to view our family situation from the prism of what is prevalent elsewhere. More often than not, we hear of Marriage crisis dailies, magazine and in public discussion. The fact however is that we are not yet there if what we mean by marriage crisis is what we prevalent in more economically advanced countries.

Nevertheless, we cannot offer a cleans bill of health to African society as regards the crises of marriage. This is predicted on the fact that African characters are not immune from certain existing marital problems that could bring marriage to its knees. Such problems include; importance, childlessness, lack of male issue, unfulfilled sexual life, infidelity, lack of prayer life etc.

There are also other vices that could introduce crisis into marriage such as hatred, unfaithfulness, impatience, wickedness, jealousy, and envy, boastfulness, rudeness, selfishness, suspicion, despair and so on.

Indications therefore emerge that marriage in Africa is bedevilled with so many problems that have not only continued to threaten it as an institution but also, led to her breaking down irretrievably or strained and headed for the rocks.

The picture bellow shows some marriage crisis in African.


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More often than not, parents have refused or rather don't seem to understand that having married, their children cease to be under their control and somewhat overbearing influence. As a result, they still want to dictate and liive the life of their married children for them, like telling them how they have lived with their own Mother or Father and expecting them to emulate them.

This often lead to either the man or woman saying "In my house or place, we don't do like that", hence the beginning of crises. Worse till , when it is discovered that a man is giving his wife, as she deserves, his parents interpret that to mean he has 'charmed'. But what is wrong with when a woman charms her husband with her love, care, concern and responsible attitude? Does she not deserve to get the same?

Materialism is a serious factor that leads to the breakdown of marriages. This is more so because, when a man is seeking the hand of a woman in marriage in African to be precise, he pretends a lot. He claims he owns or can do what he knows he is not capable of doing.
And the women who are so much inclined to marrying only the well to do individuals hardly investigate the claims by these suitors, there by landing themselves in homes that are far from their imaginations and dreams.

This becomes the beginning of their life-long problems. The men on their side believe that since the marriage have been concluded, there is nothing she can do about it rather than to exercise patience. But far from that, the woman will deliberately want to frustrate him by refusing to do what is expected of her as a wife and the resultant effect could be divorce. And she goes back to square one.


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Similarly, men are of the habit of looking for girls that are from a well to do family not minding the moral, social and spiritual aspect of the woman. As soon as they are settling into their matrimonial home, they find it difficult to bear certain unwelcome attitudes of these women, who may probably be spoiled children or may want to dominate them and make them what the Hausa man calls (mijin hajiya) meaning the dominated husband.

Far more significantly, a stumbling block to a successful marriage life emerges when the marriage was not conclude base on mutual understanding of both parties. For example, if one of the couple was compelled to parents or other ungodly means as prevalent in their day-to-day living and finally leads to separation. Funny enough, some women deceive themselves by thinking that they are too beautiful that even if they divorced, other suitors will still admire them. The truth here is that even if you are as beautiful as the gold, once you are out of your first matrimonial home you are a 'second hand woman'. This is the truth whether we like it or not.

Again, some men hide under the pretext that they have every right to divorce their wives and marry others.
We must make it clear that despite the fact that God has given some people rights to divorce but there is nothing the Christian faith, divorce is something that is not permitted, except in some exceptional cases.

A man is expected to leave with his wife for their entire lifetime. Even if one leads credence that the kingdom of the almighty shakes when divorce is mentioned.

Stay turned for next volume and;
Please don't forget to upvote comments and resteem.


Marriage crisis is not peculiar to Africa. All the things you listed above can be found in every marriages be it in developed countries or not.

The only issue that i think could be said to be 'African' is the issue of male child. Every other thing can be found everywhere in the world.

Do not make it look like there are different natures! No, there are not. There is what we call human nature which is itself a debate among scholars. Scholars are yet to agree on what constitute an holistic human nature such that what is true for A is also true for B. However, there are similarities about human behaviours.

Nothing makes a crisis in marriage 'African' or 'non-African'. Every marriage crisis are similar.


I thougth you go through my work here? But you sound so different. You have this questions to answer 1.whats my title? 2.whats my first paragraph talking about?
I channled the tittle of my article via African and followed it up only accept my first paragrph. I never included my article with what you listed here. Rather i have my AREA OF CONCENTRATION. Thanks u

"In the face of all these and more problems, we in Africa, and Nigeria in particular, can have the tendency to view our family situation from the prism of what is prevalent elsewhere."

"Indications therefore emerge that marriage in Africa is bedevilled with so many problems that have not only continued to threaten it as an institution but also, led to her breaking down irretrievably or strained and headed for the rocks."

"This is more so because, when a man is seeking the hand of a woman in marriage in African to be precise, he pretends a lot."

The above are some of the flaws in your claim. Rather than to read your work holistically, i read in between the lines. I am a trained critic so wherever i see some generalization, i will always point it out.

No bad blood, your work seem to see Africans as the problem.


I think that intolerance and insincerity is a leading cause of divorce worldwide.

Accurate point you have here but stay tuned for the next vol.

Thanks eurogee

We all need to stand in one voice and say no to the divorce rate right now

Nice point you have here and we can do it. Thanks

Lovely post, but i quite disagree in this ideology...

Depending on your own point of view, thank you anyway

No na, seems you are new in town. Africa is even new to that kind divorce while others have legalize it

Okay my bro wait for my vol. 2 you will understand it more better.

Interesting post!

You are blessed dear

lovely post. and very educative.

Thank you cute

Nice write up... I concur

You really have the inner eyes brother

There are very many immediate and remote causes of divorce. It is an inexhaustible topic and being a divorcee myself , I hope to write about it someday. But kudos to you, quite a good write-up.

Thank you @edith4angelseu i will be honor to hear your experience.