Nothing Comes Easy... Achieving the Nigeria Of My Dreams

in #africaunchained7 years ago

Over the last few decades, there has been a lot of talk on the Road Map on how my nation Nigeria can matchup with the advanced countries of the world.

I must admit, most of these road maps have come with little or no action to follow these plans.

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My Priorities

My priorities are broken into two basic aspects which are explained below;

Firstly, I intend to follow the footsteps of former Minister of information in person of Late Dora Nkem Akunyili (2008 to 2010). During her time as Minister of information, she put in place a project called Re-branding Nigeria.

Re-branding Nigeria to her meant creating a new identity for Nigeria. This identity was supposed to be the positive aspects of this country (rich and diverse culture, tourism, entertainment, vast investment opportunities, etc) instead of the negative impression the world has about this nation (crime, corruption, religious disperities, ethnic clash, etc).

As we know, most of the successful nations of the world are known for one thing or the other. China for example is known for cheap labour thereby attracting producers and in the long run prospective buyers of different products.
America is known as no man's land, a home of all and a land of possibilities. This reputation has attracted so many to this nation.

This is the ultimate goal of re-branding our nation. It will give the outside world of who we really are and what we are capable of doing. Re-branding in simple terms will mean advertising/showcasing our true identity.

Achieving this will mean less rigour and scrutiny for Nigerians in diaspora as well as those intending to travel abroad for various reasons.
It will also enhance the reputation of the Nigerian economy among other things.

Secondly, intend to invest in tourism. This has been one aspect that has been largely overlooked over time. Tourism has the prospect of generating income for the nation in billions of Naira not to talk of the employment opportunities it will create for the unemployed population.

Looking at the six geo-polical zones i.e South-South, South-East, South-West, North-Central, North-East and North-West. There is more than enough tourism resources. I happened to attend higher institution to in the South-West at a town not far from the popular Ile-Ife called Ipetumodu, during my time in this institution, I took an excursion to Erin-Ijesha and I couldn't but help notice how unkept and under-managed this center was.This environment was left to degrade thereby reducing the value of this tourist centre. I am sure this applies to so many other centers of tourism around the country

I intend to invest this sector through public private partnership with a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) agreement to be put in place for both local and international investors.
Plans will also be put in place for the rehabilitation of already existing tourism centres.

Tourism has been known to attract people from all over the world. Are a good look at what Dubai has become today, or even Brazil. These places are popular tourist destinations.

In Conclusion

I know I know that there are other sectors of this country that also need urgent attention like the power sector, transport sector and security.

Measures will be put in place to address these sectors too. But priority will be given to the earlier stated sectors because of the limited financial capacity of the nation at present. This is for the good of the nation as a whole.

Like the saying that goes thus;

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step

Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria
God Bless Nigeria

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A great post here but @korexe did you study tourism in the higher institution? Because I can feel the zeal you have for it!

I am economist by training. My field of study helps me see things from a broader perspective

,our mind is the critical sector that needs to be transform and rebranded

A nation is comprised of people who have mind. Re-branding re-branding this nation simply means changing her people's way of thinking which affects their actions...

Thanks for stopping by. Your comments are appreciated

I believe the actual change starts from within before the outward manifestation..

Power and transportation are the two major things a developing country needs to work on am sure other sectors would take its shape