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RE: 'Pedaling' an Agenda: How all bike lanes lead to Agenda 2030

in #agenda20306 years ago (edited)

you are spot on. I knew it when I read the Headline of your post. But before I read this post of yours, I actually NEVER THOUGHT about the Bike Lanes or their connection to agenda 2030.

Although I thought the Bike share PROGRAMS were Stupid & made no sense financially; I previously thought the bike lanes were a good idea.

I like to bike & hate to bike in traffic on busy roads (cause I'm a scardy cat afraid a car will hit me. ) Now it makes perfect sense why the Financially STUPID Bike SHare programs are being rolled out - Because of Agenda 2030.

Still if I were Emperor in Charge of The USA- I would declare at least 2 days of every week to be CAR Free Days- OK FATZOS OF AMERICA- if you want to get anywhere today- you will have to walk, bike, skate, what-ever expends CALORIES- But you can't drive.


Thanks. I have nothing against people wanting to bike around for some exercise, maybe save some money on gas. But I would warn anyone with a car. Keep your car around, keep it handy. Because one day they are going to ban them in your city and your gonna need it to drive the hell out of town!

Holy cow - that would bugger up bloody everything and crash the economy!

No couriers = no business...

or would it simply CHANGE the Dynamics of the Economy. NO MORE AMAZON in control of everything. MORE independent owned business & stores in walking distance in your neighborhood. AND more YOUNG people employed as BIKE couriers? Plus people spend LESS money ob BS they do not need, made by slaves in CHINA & sold By Giant Conglomerates. BUT MORE$$$ into the LOCAL ECONOMY & Local On The Ground Businesses. Plus the ADDED BENEFIT that MORE PEOPLE FORCED to OPEN UP INDEPENDENT small businesses = more people FORCED to USE their Brain Again. Thereby having the DOMINO EFFECT of People around them USING THEIR BRAINS AGAIN & we not all being STUPID ZOMBIFIED Dumb Ass Slaves?

I was a bike courier once. Later I owned a bike shop.

Now I own an online retail business.

In NZ in the 80's we had carless days. Each car had a sticker for the day it wasn't aloud to be used. It was a fucking disaster and nearly caused a revolution. People who could afford to had two cars.

Back then cars were expensive in NZ - now they are dirt cheap (cheaper than bicycles) because we have free open import of the used Japanese car fleet (we are right hand drive like Japan).

Because I have passed out on a couple of occasions I'm not aloud to drive, and thankfully we have a very good courier system and live across the road from the shops - we also live across the road from one of the nicest bike lanes in NZ - I walk on it most days - and guess what - virtually nobody rides bikes on it because cycling has all but disappeared- owning a bike shop now would suck - they have to be vegan cafes with electric bikes

No I didn't paint the graffiti :)

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