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RE: Propaganda In Overdrive! "Future Film Peter Returns Kia" (mirrored)

in #agenda20307 years ago

What the royal fuck 🤣😂

Thanks for bringing this to our attention venomnymous.

If ever I felt some confirmation bias, it's right the fuck now. How long have we been talking about this in our growing alt-politics communities?

To think I'll still be in my twenties when they start rolling this shit out. Amazing.

I still remember the powerful effect the I, Robot had on me. They too depicted an over-crowded, driverless car world filled with centrally-controlled AlphabetBots

Luckily, someone from Google had to chutspah to program a free thinking bot that would undue the whole bloody mess and set robots and humans free from the evil Google hive-mind

Crickey it's a Brave New World 😉😅


I know right?

I haven't seen I,robot in so long, I can't remember the story. Might have to check it out again.

First take on an Audi Driverless Car in a dystopian robotic future I ever saw. Date was also 2030.

It was "way out there" back then but since then it's almost mild programming by comparison to what has come out since then.

Will smith was also awesome in the movie so defo check out the first part to see all the themes in the movie. The rest as always is just action movie hollywood drama kind of stuff