Imagine if more than 40 chemicals were introduced into every food that you eat
Imagine if metal particulates were present in waters that you drank
Imagine if the metal could harden inside your body and making a little tiny wires
Imagine if some of the stuff that you eat, coagulate inside your body and turn into like a mini blood pressure monitor
Imagine if a device like a smart watch or your phone could be connected to your body and transmit the information from an outside source like a computer directly into your nervous system input responses
Imagine when you watch TV for 20 years machine could measure your reactions and train you how to be an agent while watching fighting movies
Your TV had a mic that could talk to the matter that was inside your body that you ate through food and could change your nervous system input and output even make you deaf
Imagine if your behavior could be changed while you hold your phone and look into the lens and monitor YouTube videos imagine if your phone had a way to stimulate your body And could even activate a private bank account that could keep you alive as long as you did the bidding of whoever’s poisoning all your food
Imagine if as long as you did what they wanted to do they would give you an antidote daily to keep you alive
Imagine if you stopped doing what the videos you watched insisted to do
Somebody could stop putting imaginary tokens or real tokens into a bank account that made sure you constantly age the cure for the poison you’re eating around the day