The Drawbacks (And Solutions) To Living The Agorist Lifestyle

in #agorism7 years ago (edited)

The reasons one chooses to opt-out out of “traditional” institutions and societal expectations vary from person to person, but generally people are looking to stop supporting systems they do not agree with. Whether we are talking financially (to avoid taxation) or philosophically (on moral grounds), many of us who live outside of the mainstream system do so because we disagree with the people running these systems, and in some cases, the system altogether.

We do not want to fund these governments by complying with taxation. We don’t want to support the monopolized banking system and the banks that rob the people. We do not want to violate our moral compass or principles by participating in these charades. So we take steps to begin removing ourselves from these systems as quickly (and safely) as possible. We each have a different goal and different perspectives on how far to push the effort to opt out and vacate these systems that promote authoritarianism and financial theft. However, what unites us is our belief that people should be free to organize their own affairs without the interference of centralized authority in the form of government or monarchs. Quite simply, we know that each of us own ourselves and should be able to live a live free of interference, extortion, threats of violence, and forced compassion.

When I came to these conclusions I had an internal shift that was so profound and simple: I will no longer participate in systems I do not support. First, I stopped using banks because I saw the results of the 2008 financial crisis and I learned about the many economic crises created by banksters throughout history. Second, refuse to use a credit card and never attempted to establish a credit line through these banks. I also stopped driving because I didn’t want to get a State ID and instead only use a passport. By the end of 2010 I came to understand the nature of war and violence being perpetuated by the American empire and decided I would no longer pay an income tax. I stopped filing and have made efforts to keep my income below the Poverty Line. I also stopped working jobs which paid me in the form of a check.

Since that time I have started a couple businesses of my own (without filing paperwork for city licenses) and only accepted cash, silver, or crypto currency. All of my income has been in metals, cash, digital payments, or bartering. Obviously, I am still paying sales tax when I am not shopping at a farmers market or buying directly from a gray market entrepreneur, but the goal is to take steps towards completely opting out. It doesn’t happen overnight and it doesn’t come without struggles. Let’s take a moment to look at some of these struggles and the potential solutions.

First off, what are the potential downsides to not using a bank? Before we answer that question we should note that there are alternatives to the big banks, including local credit unions and co-ops. These institutions are typically more connected to the local community and not involved in economic theft. However, do your research and use at your own risk. One criticism people usually state is a lack of security when not storing funds in a traditional banking institution. The fact is you can put your trust in a banking institution and the U.S. government or you can choose to take personal responsibility and store your money under the mattress, in a safe, in a private bank, or anywhere else you please as long as you are taking proper security measures.

Beyond the security risks, there are also financial downsides to not using banks. I recently received payment in the form of a check for a media gig. Not only was I forced to visit a bank to cash the check (Bank of America, no less), but I was taxed $8 by the bank to cash my check without opening a bank account. Now, this problem is easily remedied by ongoing education about the value of not using banks (or government backed money) and the power of alternative currencies. Unfortunately, we are still at a point where not enough people know and understand these values so there are limited options in the market. The company sending the check is an old media company whose employees are ignorant to Agorist philosophy, counter-economics, and digital payment options. The likelihood of me convincing them to pay me in silver or crypto is not high. This is important to remember because until we have built a completely parallel system that offers an alternative to the current paradigm - in every area of our lives - we will occasionally have to conduct business with people who are still filing taxes and keeping a record of every financial transaction.

Another recent issue I have had encountered involves renting or purchasing property. In my case I was attempting to rent an apartment in a big city, but these obstacles apply elsewhere as well. I am in the process of moving out of a community house into my own apartment. I have rented from different people for years, but it has become increasingly difficult as I have less and less records to show to potential landlords or realtors. In the most recent case I found several potential places, contacted the property owner, and attempted to negotiate my way into a new home. I have no problem paying rent on time, but my lack of check stubs causes issues with individuals looking for traditional forms of payment.

Again, when I attempt to explain that I receive some money from supporters via Patreon, some money via this crazy thing called crypto currency, and some money in cash, they usually look at me with a confused face. I explain that I can show them payments received Paypal but that does not seem to satisfy either. From there they tend to ask they can see a bank statement. When I say no they are baffled and then ask for a tax record. When I tell them I don’t have that either they tend to look at me like I have disrespected their mother. By the end of these conversations I am being told they cannot rent to me because I have no way to verify my income.

So what is the solution to these problems? The most obvious solution is education. Those of us who value the idea that all moral people should opt out of immoral systems and create new ones ought to spend our time and energy educating others about the value of such actions. The more people who understand this concept the more entrepreneurs there are opting out and creating value in the counter-economy. Now as far as the banking situation, crypto currencies are showing the world what digital decentralized banking looks like. The more energy we put into supporting (or creating) alternative currencies - digital or otherwise - the less power the centralized banking monopolies have.

As far as solutions for renting an apartment when you live mostly outside of the system I believe blockchain technology offers hope. Blockchain is the peer to peer, digital ledger technology behind Bitcoin and other cryptos. To understand how blockchain can help we have to think about why realtors and property owners want to see documentation from a bank or a government. Trust. Security. Due to the massive amount of propaganda promoted in public schooling, most people grow up believing these institutions to be an essential part of life, if not a benevolent force in our lives. We are taught to trust and cooperate with these institutions. The average person does not trust or believe someone is authentic or valuable or rent-worthy if they do not possess such documents. So imagine if every week when I am paid for my articles I take a screenshot of the digital payment (or a picture of someone paying me cash for a job well done) and post it on a blockchain. The blockchain is decentralized so posts cannot be altered or deleted. If I continue to post my weekly income statements on a blockchain I would have a decentralized, transparent record of my history or any other documents I chose to place on the blockchain. This could already happen by making posts on a website like Steemit. If the realtor or property owner understands blockchain or is willing to learn they can feel secure because there is a record of my pay and we could even sign a contract together on the blockchain. This would allow for transparency and security on both sides.

I believe solutions like this are the future and we are starting to see this unfold. For the moment there are difficulties as we Agorist pioneers lay the groundwork for the Counter-Economy and the next stage of human evolution. Do your part to create the future by educating yourself and others on Agorism and Counter-Economics.


I am an investigative journalist and liberty activist; a Lead Investigative Reporter for @activistpost and the founder of the & The Houston Free Thinkers. just released my new book The Holistic Self-Assessment; I have also co-authored three books with @johnvibes: The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 1 and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 2

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I am always available for interviews, Please contact [email protected]

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Very interesting to see how far you have been able to remove yourself from the system and the challenges you face show just how deep the mind control goes, with most people thinking that there is only one way to live (system-wise anyway).

I have a question though. If everything is logged on a blockchain, all payment records etc, doesn't that make it easy to be taxed on your earnings?

you can create a blockchian that encrypts all the documents and can only be viewed by permission. this will help with privacy as well

Great - thanks for both these points. Good to know that there are solutions :)

not if you liquidate into silver bullion first. Then make the transaction IN PRIVATE with said silver.... or gold, depending on the size of the transaction. This breaks the chain of the info trail.

One of the interesting aspects of the Steemit experience is that we have an identity and a reputation attached to that identity. There are people in this community that we could trust, purely on the reputation they have attained as a Steemit participant.

There are many blockchain projects that are working on a system of reputation for business to business relationships. They could also offer that for individuals. If we can tie identity (which could be a pseudo identity) to reputation on the blockchain, many of the issues you discussed would be solved.

Here's a whitepaper you might be interested in. They have already built a ledger which verifies identity without any personally identifiable information on the ledger.

I have rented from different people for years, but it has become increasingly difficult as I have less and less records to show to potential landlords or realtors.

This. I'm seeing this too, more and more information disclosure for everyday things. It's a rising tide and if you don't rise with everyone else it looks like you're withholding information instead of just keeping it to a steady low amount.

I also closed my bank account following the crash and started using a credit union. I had to go back on that because I got a job which would only pay into a bank account, I was pretty unhappy with that but I'm just a guy and I needed it. It's really hard to be off grid, I respect your commitment, it's inspiring.

You say education is the key but reading between the lines this really means effectively changing other people's opinion. I think you're doing it an admirable why, by example, but I wouldn't be so sure that education is a magic bullet here. You have to make your own way.

Great post! I have also decided to start opting out more this year, after coming to understand more about the banking cabal that has garnered the unwitting trust of society. I hope you'll follow up on this with more ideas in the future.

I would think once you got a landlord who understands blockchain technology you can simply sign a message your potential landlord gives you with your private key and then the landlord can verify you have funds in a wallet at a public address by verifying the signature with that public key. Voila! You have enough funds for a lease! I hope to rent vacation homes this way in a few years.

I figure I will live a lower middle class income off my traditional 401k but any extras will come from selling some precious metals and bitcoin. I think I can get my effective federal tax rate down to half what it is now.

So legit.

I'm working that way brother, but doubt I'll be able to go as far as you have.

Sorry to comment on an old post, but this shit is super relevant.

Wouldn't be an issue with renting if there was a ManageGo in your local area or Rent Token.

You can also check out Rentalutions which allow renters and tenants to post available spots online. -

Do your part to create the future by educating yourself and others on Agorism and Counter-Economics.<<<

our part is to organize to help produce NON-GMO food. We don't really need to "educate" ourselves here. Just copy the Amish, Quakers and Mennonites, yes?

Lead us to the Promised Land, there neoMoses. Gotta be some good land prospects in Liberty Co., Texas, no? How about if we distribute Adam's "Freedom!" book to every real estate agent around you and see who likes us most. He'll find us the best land deal. What sayeth?

I'll start the process off by finding a yellowPages list, then shooting them an email. I'll work on that tonight.

why would i distribute adam's books when I have my own which explain the message that I am promoting?

I am open to Liberty Co and when the time is right and if everything aligns I will be in touch.

ah. Excellent question. And the answer is: Adam could be on the national debate stage in 2020 with the anarcho message pitted against Trump and Okra; at best, you will be in the audience. Now, this doesn't stop us from following up to said real estate broker or agent with YOUR book... so they get a more in depth view of Agorism ....and what they are helping us achieve.

Now... THE TIME IS RIGHT. now. Things are lining up for the Anarchos like never before. Berwick broke through the smoke and mirrors. When that time for all to witness what Agorism brings to humanity comes to pass... WE BETTER HAVE OUR EXAMPLE(S) UP AND WORKING WELL. We are going to get ONE shot at this, my good man. We best make it count. Now I ain't sittin' around waiting for you to be in touch. I would appreciate if you get with Johnny Vibe and let's begin some behind the scenes organizing and real estate shopping. I want you to be a major part in the administration of this first set of Agora3s. You deserve the positioning; you deserve all the accolades and "press". You have earned it. ...and for sure, once you become the AnarchoPosterBoy for AgriCapitalism in Anarchoville, USA... with a few pounds of gold in your sock, you will be a major chickie magnet, helping us overcome this:
who invited the libertarian.JPG

Again. the time is NOW. The debates are only 2 years and a few months away. Time flies when we are having fun and gettin' rich while producing REAL FOOD.

ps. Is your book on line with audio file production? I want to hear what I will be helping to distribute. Please post the link.

If you think Adam is going to get anywhere near the stage in 2020 you are mistaken, friend. And this is one of the big problems I have with his campaign. It's distracting people and redirecting their energies back into that system for another failed campaign.

I believe liberty will grow by word of mouth, education, and agorism. Adam has a reach but he is no Ron Paul.

I agree that Adam Kokesh (assuming he wins the Libertarian Party's nomination for President, which I think he has a good chance of doing) is going to be shut out of debating the Republican and Democrat candidates for President. No matter who the LP nominates for President, I doubt that the Republican and Democrat candidates will debate them.

I disagree with you that there is no value in Adam Kokesh running for President. I got involved in the Libertarian Party and movement back in the 1990's after being exposed to Harry Browne's campaign for President as a Libertarian Party candidate. I have spoken to Libertarians and small "l" libertarians all over the country, both in person, and online, and one common question that I typically ask fellow libertarians is how they became a libertarian. The number one answer that I get is because of a political campaign, and it is usually a political campaign for a high level office. The number one answer (by far) I have gotten from libertarians whom I have asked this question is because of Ron Paul's campaigns for President. The number two answer I have received from libertarians is because of Harry Browne's campaigns for President in 1996 and 2000.

The fact of the matter is that most of the public does not read books on philosophy, or economics. Most people will pay at least somewhat attention to who is running for President. If Adam Kokesh can reach a lot of people who'd never hear what he has to say otherwise by running for President, and who don't read books on philosophy or economics, and who don't visit alternative news websites, then I say that this is a good thing.

I would agree that it is a complete waste of time for the Libertarian Party to run the kind of candidates that it has run on its last three presidential tickets, like Gary Johnson, Bill Weld, Bob Barr, etc... These people were not even really in the ballpark of what I'd call a libertarian, and running candidates like this is actually counterproductive. However, as long as a candidate runs on at least a fairly strong libertarian platform, I see them running for office as a good thing.

as to the land question, I am uncertain if I am going to remain in the U.S. I do have a plan for the community I am wanting to launch in 2020 and will be doing an update soon.

Are you planning on "escaping" the US never to return? I guess I could respect that (to a point). But if you want to be an "international capitalist", we just need you to schedule one of your whirlwind tours each year as you are doing now. You can help govern the company wherever you have wiFi...

I do see the anarchos making Acapulco as "world HQ". It does make sense. King Midas Berwick seems to be a good man to shadow/coat-tail, huh? And if Larkin would stop fussin' with Adam over bullshit, and concentrate on growing AnarchoForko as orinally noted, Roger Ver may rethink his plans to invest in land elsewhere. At that point, y'all will have something impressive to show the world.... assuming you can figure out how to prevent a military "invasion" like the Mexican socialist army was doing at Lily De'Vine's house the other day. Did you read about that bs?

Chuck, speaking of producing food, are you familiar with Dan Carlson's work called Sonic Bloom? Aquaponics using Dr. Nate Storey's vertical trellis patent is another viable option.

Right now, I am so open to any and all options we have to produce HEALTHY non-GMO food. No matter what we attempt, attaining fertile land is the priority we should be focusing on. Then, we need to concentrate on protecting it from human parasites and controlFreaks. I assume you are familiar with the truth of what happened in CA with those "fires" a few months back... Right? No ostrich in Libertavia, please.

Yes...ahem the "fires", that incinerated entire towns from out of nowhere.
The native tribes were already doing that here when the Vatican Jesuits and Monarchies decided to send the Dove family over here.


You (broze) posit this:

Those of us who value the idea that all moral people should opt out of immoral systems and create new ones ought to spend our time and energy educating others about the value of such actions.<<<

to which I respond with:
Let's get some land! We can finance it by selling time-shares around "abodes". LET'S PRODUCE SOME NON-GMO FOOD, neoHippieMan! Time to put some serious-energy CAPITIALISM into the AnCapVol world. Mr. Bryan Angiuli's (Berwick's buddy down in Panama), biz partner, Sandy, and I had a great skypeConvo 2 weeks ago regarding building sustainable Agora3s here in America. He said they would guide us every step of the way to avoid us "re-inventing the wheel" and the "earn as you learn" risks.

Now if one notices your writing... All we see is "I, I, I, I...." What WE need is a bunch of "I's" learning this form of SYNERGY illuminated in the graphic; no loss of individuality, but a force to be reckoned with:organize - half sheet.jpg

Now, I dare you to "take a stroll" down this path:

Don't you think it's time we staked our claim? hmm? You have been "wandering in the desert for 40 years, little moses!!!" LOL The land of milk and honey will only come to those in America who WORK SOME LAND! God already parted the Red Sea here in 1783. Caesar, Herod and Pharoah were tossed out of America with that surrender. Now it's our turn to retake our BIRTHRIGHT. We are all the Posterity which is mentioned in the PreAmble...... Let's rock!

Louis Charles "Chuck" Geshlider
Prime Minister, Deplorable Nation
pirahna - school b w.jpg

Excellent! Who is the Village Chief? Please bring him to this conversation. [email protected] Let's see how he likes Adam's "Freedom!" book. Then we'll take the next steps. Yes? Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Just followed you.

Spread it all over every Native American stronghold!


holy crap! If we send Broze on a scouting mission to hang with Bonnie and spend some time in that neoHippie den of iniquity "down under" with those long-haired babes, she'll lock him up tight and breed our young ram day and night! The'd have about 15 children... to the point he won't be able to walk! LOL And if they are into polyamory, he'll have 200!!!

Just look at the cheshire smiles on those guys!!!! Tell me what is motivating that? Friggin' yoga exercises? ...yeah, NAKED ONES while playing 3-some Twister into the weeee hours of the morning.

Let's do a fundraiser so Bonnie can do a portrait of Chief Young RamBroze and let's see what happens. I'll put the first $10 USD value of Steem into the hopper. What sayeth? Who's with me?