Fish Amino Acids aka FAA

The following post is from my blurt blog

Fish Amino Acids aka FAA


What is FAA?

FAA is the cold processing of fish for bioavailable proteins and amino acids to use on our plants. Cold processing the fish without the use of enzyme destroying heat, chemical production, or chemical stabilizers; allows for a highly bioavailable end product. Unlike fish hydrolysate and fish emulsion production, FAA preserves essential enzymes and microbes to help create a more nutritionally complete product.

But first I would love to direct you to this amazing video that describes this process beautifully from Chris Trump:

FAA how to:

  • Cut fish into big chunks if necessary. I used a hammer and plastic bag to thoroughly process fish which is not necessary but rather I did so, for good measure and to increase the Bacterial Surface Area.


  • Place the fish material in a bowl and weigh with a scale. Since I bought the fish, it came pre-weighed.


  • Note the weight of fish and weigh an equal amount of unprocessed brown sugar.


  • I mixed the fish 1:1 with unprocessed sugar by weight. During this process I also added a skosh of OHN and a ¼ hand full of IMO 4
    • I premixed in a bowl, then added the fish, sugar, OHN and the IMO 4 mixture to my fermentation container.


  • I filled my fermentation container 2/3 full, leaving 1/3 airspace.
    • For good measure I added a dash of IMO 4 on top. The IMO 4 in both parts of this process helps with smell and breaking down the fish.


  • If necessary add a thick sugar cap 1/2 - 3/4 inch thick to cover any exposed meat on top.

    • When the sugar sinks or dissolves, DO NOT add more!
  • Cover with a breathable lid, or semi secure lid, a tightened Ball jar lid would be too tight.

  • Label and date the fermentation container.

  • Place in a cool shaded area, protected from animals and freezing.

  • Let sit for 6 months.

  • It should smell sweet, with a very faint hint of fish.

Some FAA will be available after 3 months, BUT it's really not done until 6 months. Separate the solids from the liquid with a mesh strainer such as a nut milk bag hanging above the storage container for 24 hours.

FAA Storage Notes:

  • Store in a cool shaded place

  • Has a long storage life.

  • FAA Application Notes

    • Use at 1:1000

    • Use for TYPE II Solution

FAA Fish Notes:

  • Blue Deep Sea Fish are best!

  • Tuna and Marlins are preferred.

  • Salmon is O.K.

  • You can use a whole fish, but just heads and fins is just as good to use.

  • Blood, Guts, and Organs are great!

  • If you must temporarily store the fish before processing, then keep in the freezer.

    • If the fish is a day or two old before you get it processed, freeze it to kill any flies and larvae, do not use older left out fish
  • Do not use LAB

  • About 12 pounds of each fish and sugar will yield approximately 3/4 of a gallon of FAA

FAA Fermentation Container Notes:

  • Food grade Ice Chests/ Ice Coolers are suggested/preferred as a fermentation vessel.

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A two gallon glass jar with a glass lid is another acceptable example but just take measures to prevent excess light, especially sunlight, from penetrating into fish ferment ie towel around glass or place in 24/7 dark area.

  • Keep the lid closed at all times, even when making FAA to keep the flies out

  • Stay away from the cylindrical 5 gallon IGLOO water containers with the spigot, as the FAA will eat away the seal

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  • Stay away from spigot containers

  • If a fly lands on the container and lays eggs, and those larvae crawl inside through a small crack in the lid, it is ok. Only because, unlike their parents, the larvae have never touched fecal matter, or carcasses.

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