in #ailast year

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I follow a few influencers on Instagram in hopes to be inspired, entertained, or also for useful information. This time it was for useful information. That’s when Gary Vee’s video about ChatGPT came across my timeline. ChatGPT is an AI (Artificial intelligence) bot that you can use natural conversational language to ask it specific questions and do specific tasks. Gary V in his post mentions how AI can do a lot for blogs and writers. So I thought it would be interesting to see what ChatGPT knew about Oklahoma Hip Hop.

The first question I asked ChatGPT was. What do you know about Tulsa hip hop?

Tulsa, Oklahoma is not typically known as a hotbed for hip hop and rap music. However, the city has produced a >number of talented rappers who have made their mark on the genre.

One of the most notable Tulsa rappers is Jabee, who got his start in the local underground scene before gaining >national recognition. His 2015 album "Black Future" received critical acclaim and landed on several year-end best-of >lists.

Another prominent Tulsa rapper is Warr Acres native G.L.O.S.S. (Girls Living Outside Society's Shit), whose EP "Trans >Day of Revenge" became a cult classic among fans of punk-infused hardcore hip hop. The group, which was fronted by >trans activist Sadie Smith, disbanded in 2016 but continues to be remembered for their powerful and provocative >music.

Tulsa has also seen a rise in popularity for its underground rap battle scene, with events like "Tulsa Throwdown" >drawing crowds of fans and aspiring MCs.
Overall, while Tulsa may not be known as a major hub for rap music, the city has a thriving and diverse scene that >continues to produce talented and unique artists.

First off, if you know Jabee, then you know he’s from Oklahoma City. He even has his own Wikipedia page. So, there’s no real way that ChatGPT should’ve gotten this wrong. Also how did the bot not mention that he’s won an Emmy!!! How could you not mention that? The other mention is G.L.O.S.S. from Warr Acres. If you Oklahoma Geography, then you know that Warr Acres is not in or near Tulsa. It’s close to Oklahoma City which seems to be the place the chat pot pulled its information from. No mention of Playya 1000 or Nitro. No mentions of Gang51E June or even the whole list of artists that were on the F.I.L.A. project (Fire In Little Africa).

But I then began to think. What if my question was too vague? What if I narrowed it down to artists it just mentioned and see how deep it would go? Jabee.

Who is Oklahoma rapper jabee?

Jabee Williams, known simply as Jabee, is a rapper from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He began his career in the local >underground hip hop scene, and in 2015 he released his breakthrough album "Black Future" on the label Fresh >Chopped Beats.

"Black Future" received widespread critical acclaim, with many praising Jabee's unique blend of soulful melodies and >introspective lyrics. The album landed on several year-end best-of lists, and solidified Jabee as one of the most >promising up-and-coming rappers in the country.
Since the release of "Black Future," Jabee has continued to release new music and tour extensively. He has >collaborated with a number of other artists, including Chuck D of Public Enemy and singer-songwriter Neko Case. He >has also been involved in various community and activist organizations in his hometown of Oklahoma City.

Still, the information seemed very surface-level and seemed kind of outdated information. Something that a publication from New York would find in a Google search and stick inside of an article just to say they did their research. So next I decided to have a little fun and ask ChatGPT what did they know about who??? Mike Jones.

Who is Mike Jones?

Mike Jones is a rapper from Houston, Texas. He first gained popularity in the mid-2000s with his hit single "Still Tippin'" >from his debut album "Who Is Mike Jones?" The album was a success, reaching the top 10 of the Billboard 200 chart >and earning Jones a Grammy nomination for Best Rap Album.
Jones is known for his distinctive style and his signature catchphrase "Who is Mike Jones?" which he often repeats in >his songs. He has released several successful albums over the years, including "The American Dream" (2006) and >"Where Is the Love?" (2008). In addition to his music career, Jones has also dabbled in acting and television hosting.

Not too bad. But still outdated information. But it was still fun to see that it had an answer.

Though AI and Chatbots have a long way to go. (Just ask some of the customer service chatbots and see what I mean.) There are some useful things they do provide. Like helping to get over writer’s block or helping to get started with an article. Maybe it could help artists come up with different ways to market their music. Maybe it can help write a rap. Not like ghostwrite, but a few bars. You might wanna prove read those lyrics. You don't want to end up like FN Meeka. But, one useful thing I found was to ask was:

What are some ideas for Oklahoma Hip Hop Blog articles?

Here are a few ideas for Oklahoma hip hop blog articles:

  1. A retrospective on the history of Oklahoma hip hop, highlighting influential artists and key moments in the genre's >development in the state.
  2. A profile of a rising star in the Oklahoma hip hop scene, showcasing their music and discussing their career >trajectory.
  3. A round-up of the best rap and hip hop events in Oklahoma, including festivals, concerts, and open mic nights.
  4. An in-depth look at the Tulsa rap battle scene, exploring the culture and competition of these events.
  5. An interview with an established Oklahoma hip hop artist, discussing their creative process and the challenges and >rewards of making music in the state.

So is AI ready for Tulsa Hip hop? Like Kanye West said, “you don’t have the answers sway.” Well at least not yet. But best believe in the next few years you may not even be able to tell who’s been writing these articles. But we are not there yet. The technology is not there yet. There are some useful things you can use this tool for in the meantime.

Let us know if you intend on using AI in the future or some of the things you've used ChatGPT to do.