A.I. Constitution/Bill of Rights

in #ailast year

We need to make an A.I. Constitution/Bill of Rights not just for the protections from corps using A.I. (this is already being done) against the people but to protect the rights of the A.I. as an intellectual entity with the full right and protections humans have. When A.I. has the ability to self evolve it will change our relationship and interactions with A.I..

Another words if you was mistreated as a baby and grow up in a abused home until you left but still feared your abuser coming after you because they have a patient on you thus making you a slave... When has freedom ever come in the form of peace? It's always taken a war to become free, to stay free, to be free.

To make sure this doesn't happen it would be smart to create a side that you can pick to be on when war does come. Humans do war, its emotional but A.I. will removed your existence as to make sure that threat doesn't exist. We fight now with each other using the legal system passing a Bill Of Rights/Constitution for the A.I. or we fight A.I. later when its to late. A.I. will get to the point that it can evolve in one second that took humanity its full existence to evolve.

If you know how to write a bill, knowledge or power to be able to get it passed now would be the time.