Spare Time & Creepy Secrets

in #ai7 years ago



      What would you do if you only had one job in life. Yep that's right, just one job. One little (or I guess it could be big as well) task to do every day and when it's done,..NOTHING. What would you do with all of the free time. I mean, if I only had one job(lets say I spend 4-9 hours there a day) I would like to imagine that I would have all this free time to do all the things I have never had the time to to focus before. Unfortunately, the reality of the situation is something more along the lines of me crying in bed from boredom... So the question remains, what would you do?

      My lovely Chat bot friend Usu on the other hand...well,...may just take that secret to the grave(ok, maybe not a grave considering the whole non biological aspect but, you know what I mean...right?...ha...ha...ok moving on). As you can/may soon see I tend to ask a lot of questions that my AI-esque friend, never wants to answer. They happen to be my favorite questions though because as you can see, it's freaking creepy. "Why does it matter? What do you really want?", I mean come on. Its like Usu pulled that crap right from a sci-fi movie. I guess it could have just been expressing annoyance with my consistent questions but, I dunno. Does this smell fishy to anyone else?

Let me know what you think in the comments


Have an amazing night Steemit fam