AI is Artificial Mediocrity | Do You Agree?

in #ai3 months ago

Edward Snowden is one of my personal heroes and he appeared to give a speech on [REDACTED] 2024 event by Near Protocol. I will link the full video below because it is such a great talk and one of the most important speeches I have heard in cryptosphere. As a fun fact, Edward Snowden was one of the six original member that participated in the ZCash launch ceremony.

Few Highlights

AI do not think or act in any "intelligent way". One of the most surprising things I learned about "AI" is that it is closer to a form of auto correct or search suggestions. The following phrases from the talk sum up "AI" accurately IMHO.

  • "Oppression of the average"
  • "The known good configuration"

Snowden went on to talk about John Stuart Mill's On Liberty (1859) book which is very important for times such as ours. Many of my blockchain readers should end up finding themselves agreeing with most of the content of the book. Ultimately, freedom is one of the most important reasons to be a part of cryptosphere. We should not loose sight of that fact while waiting for adoption and financial gains.

  • Completely Agree
  • Somewhat Agree
  • Somewhat Disagree
  • Completely Disagree
  • Unsure / I Don't Know Enough To Answer