Food for life | Sending some support to our Pitahaya community "Enviando un poco de ayuda a la comunidad de pitahaya"

Although we haven't started the next program where we hope to include more communities to support, the Food for Life program is still in place.

For those who know Yesenia, she is in charge of the dining room located in the Fuerza y voluntad sector of Miranda State. Yesenia recently contacted us indicating that she had no food to feed her young people tomorrow, so from the project we sent her a few kilograms of spaghetti and meat. Although it is not enough for the volume of people who come to his dining room, we are trying to solve one day at a time in the different aspects that we are attending.

Soon we will be able to start the program so this type of updates are important, showing the community the hard work we do to support as many people as possible within the country and allowing in turn a pre-campaign to motivate people to support us when it is published in @fundition.

A pesar de que no hemos iniciado el siguiente programa en donde esperamos incluir más comunidades a apoyar, el programa Food for life sigue vigente.

Para quienes conocen a Yesenia, ella es la encargada del comedor ubicado en el sector Fuerza y voluntad del estado Miranda. Yesenia se comunicó recientemente con nosotros indicandonos que no poseía alimentos para darle comida el dia de mañana a sus jóvenes, por lo cual desde el proyecto le hicimos el envío de unos kilogramos de espaguetis y de Carne. A pesar de que es poco para el volumen de personas las cuales acuden a su comedor, estamos intentando solventar un día a la vez en los diferentes aspectos que estamos atendiendo.

Próximamente podremos iniciar el programa por lo cual este tipo de actualizaciones son importantes, mostrando a la comunidad el arduo trabajo que realizamos por apoyar a la mayor cantidad de personas posibles dentro del país y permitiendo a su vez una precampaña encargada de motivar a las personas a apoyarnos cuando la misma sea publicada en @fundition.

We will be updating this publication to include photographs of how the food was used because this time we do not have a transport that allows us to reach the community and therefore we must wait for the photographs sent by a member of the same.

Estaremos actualizando esta publicación para incluir fotografías de cómo fueron usados los alimentos ya que en esta oportunidad no contamos con un transporte que nos permita llegar a la comunidad y por tanto debemos esperar las fotografías enviadas por un miembro de la misma.

The project continues to grow! | ¡El proyecto sigue creciendo!

Today we were surprised with a great support from rok-sivante who generously gave us a delegation of 11K SP. For us it is wonderful to see how more people are still interested in this social work that we are doing in the face of the humanitarian crisis that the country is going through. Thanks to your contribution we will be able to obtain greater weekly rewards of @smartsteem that allow us to have a greater income of money destined to the purchase of inputs for the support not only of communities but of all those activities that we thought to develop in pro to the support of the most needy.

From our project we give immensely thanks and hope that more people join in collaborating with the Venezuelan people.

El día de hoy fuimos sorprendidos con un gran apoyo de parte de rok-sivante el cual generosamente nos hizo una delegación de 11K SP. Para nosotros es maravilloso ver como más personas se siguen interesando en esta labor social que estamos realizando ante la crisis humanitaria que vive el país. Gracias a su aporte podremos obtener mayores recompensas semanales de @smartsteem que nos permitan tener un mayor ingreso de dinero destinado a la compra de insumos para el apoyo no solo de comunidades sino de todas aquellas actividades que pensamos desarrollar en pro al apoyo de los más necesitados.

Desde nuestro proyecto damos inmensamente las gracias y esperamos que más personas se sumen a colaborar con el pueblo venezolano.

If you want to help us disseminate the project we invite you to use the following markdown at the end of your publications, with your help we will be making more and more people know about the project. Thank you very much. They will add a image + link to our mision as project!

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

If you are interested in supporting us we invite you to read our introductory post where you can learn more about us and some frequently asked questions:INTRODUCING AID VENEZUELA | CRYPTOCURRENCY HUMANITARIAN AID



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Related Post:

Venezuela in the dark | The crisis is becoming more and more acute
Venezuela | About the last days and a new project for Humanitarian Aid
Help is coming to the project! | ¡La ayuda esta llegando al proyecto!
A photographic summary "Giving food to people" 16 March | Caracas - Venezuela
"Food for life" A short documentary | Crowdfunding campaign in Fundition | Support now!
Fundition proudly presents: @aid.venezuela's project: Food for Life"
AIDVENEZUELA | Making donations a reality with @orinoco
AID VENEZUELA | A call for sup: looking for SBI Shares!
Food For Life | Pitahaya "Miranda State" Venezuela First Week
AID VENEZUELA | You can continue donating to our Food for life program!

Delegate some SP to our project:
Delegate 25 SP | Delegate 50 SP | Delegate 100 SP | Delegate 250SP | Delegate 500SP |Delegate 1000SP
Send some SBD/STEEM to @aid.venezuela
Make @steembasicincome shares.

Visit our blog now SteemPress :

It is wonderful watching this program grow. So much yet to be completed, but progress has been good.

It is great to hear about such a large delegation.

I am impressed with how this program is growing, although I know much more is needed.

So glad to see the project growing (: You are doing incredible work!! ❤️

Gracias por apoyar a nuestro país,Dios les bendiga!

Hola aid.venezuela,

Tu post ha sido seleccionado por el bot de @provenezuela, te hemos dado un voto en apoyo a los autores venezolanos!

Gracias por ser parte de nuestra comunidad!

Congratulations @aid.venezuela!
You raised your level and are now a Minnow!

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Mi humilde aporte para mis hermanos!