#AIR-CLINIC HEALTH TALK: How To Tackle Vaginal Itching! (by Dr. Kemtayo)

in #air-clinic7 years ago

Hello Air-Clinicians & Friends,

Today, we want to talk about a female part that has gotten very little attention when it comes to health and wellbeing - THE VAGINA. This organ is the glory of a woman! Anything that affects it quickly translates to an unhappy woman. And you know the roles women play in our society. So let's go make them happy!

At one time or the other we all have experienced an itch down there. Most times this is usually nothing serious and the itch often resolves on its own while at other times it can cause quite a scare, be quite embarrassing and even discomforting.


So for all of us who've had an itch down there whether in the past or currently experiencing one or let's even say you've never had your V. J.j itch at least you know one or two persons who have. This article is to help us all, inform us about the causes of an itchy vagina, when and when not to panic, educate us on the danger signs to look out for, know when it is time to call the doctor and teach us healthy practices to keep our lady parts healthy and smiling.

I'll be dissecting this topic under the following headings:

  • what can cause my vagina to itch ?

  • when there is a cause for alarm/warning signs to watch out for?

  • Tips for maintaining a healthy and happy vagina

  • Complications-Things that can happen when you leave that itch unchecked

Let's go!



•it might be totally nothing to worry about especially if it's an itch lasting for a shortwhile

poor hygiene: sweat accumulation can irritate the genital area and cause itching. Also infrequent change of underwear and other poor hygienic practices

Allergies:people get allergies for different things and one of the manifestation of an allergy is itching.its left to you to watch yourself, what you eat wear use and how your body reacts these things to rule out any allergies.


use of nylon picture panties:Nylon material doesn't allow the genital area to breathe which causes sweat accumulation and in turn an itch.
Also a moist ,damp dirty environment is perfect recipe for the growth of micro -organisms which cause infections

irritation from chemicals+razor: chemicals contained in soaps,creams,deodorants, can cause itching down your sensitive area. Razor cuts and bumps from shaving irritate the skin around the vulva(external genitalia of the female-area outside the vagina u can easily see touch)


condoms+lubricants: some lubricants especially non-water based Lubs and poor quality condoms tend to cause the vagina to itch.


menopause: when women grow old and reach menopause(cessation of menses at an old age) their estrogen (hormone responsible for our feminine features) level drops which in turn causes the lining of the vagina to thin out resulting in an itchy vagina,amongst other symptoms.


stress:our bodies react to stress I'm different ways, an itchy vagina might just be a sign of stress.

Anxiety disorders:
some people just worry darn too much-in some cases people worry to the extent they start feeling symptoms that aren't really there. It all originates from the mind.


The eja nla(big fish) of the causes of an itchy vagina
Infections are caused by micro-organisms(bacteria fungi virus) invading the body system. These bad guys are usually the culprit when it comes to that itch u feel in ur lady parts. When an infection is the cause it usually is associated with other symptoms like
•burning sensation
•redness and swelling
•change in vaginal discharge - color + smell

Popular infections that causes itching

skin infections such as eczema. Dermatitis (inflammation of the skin by micro organisms) in general.


sexually transmitted diseases Yes this one is a very common one. You just might have picked up that itch through sex. This includes genital warts, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis


bacterial vaginosis

yeast infection a.k.a Candidiasis

Tips for maintaining a healthy +happy vagina


DO NOT DOUCHE. Never as in n-e-v-errr douche.


Douching is the process of rinsing the vagina or flushing the vagina(inside the vagina itself) using water or other medicated fluids such as water +antiseptic, salt water, vinegar water in order to clean the vagina and eliminate odors.

Funny thing is douching does the exact opposite of these.

I seriously don't know who came up with this misconception. Douching in actual fact puts you at a higher risk of getting an infection. It also doesn't help prevent a pregnancy. Ladies stay woke. Don't be deceived douching doesn't prevent pregnancy.

2- Drink loads of water

3- Do not use scented soaps, deodorants, perfumes or creams down there.
I know we all want our v.j.j (vagina) smelling like heaven but we all have our natural smell and should grow comfortable with it.

What we can do to improve the smell of our vagina includes:

  • Good hygiene*

  • Drinking plenty water

  • Taking yogurts.

  • Eat fruits like pineapples ,berries

4- Use water +unscented soap, mild baby soap to wash down there.

5- Wash from front to back.
If you wash from back (anus) to front (vagina) u might transfer some dirt and microorganisms to your vagina predisposing your vagina to an infection

6- Use cotton panties
Please please. Let that area breathe. We can feel sexy in silk and net occasionally but let cotton be our habit.

7- Maintain good hygiene.
Frequent baths and change of underwear. Proper care of underwear and our private areas

8- Use quality condoms and only water based lubricants or natural oils like coconut oil

9- Report that nasty itch to your doctor ASAP
Don't scratch much. I know easier said that done and we all guilty of scratching that itch but seriously scratching worsens the situation.

Just visit #Air-Clinic For A Healthy Private Consultation!


10- When on treatment for an infection please please stick to your dose.
Complete your drugs. I can't stress the importance of this. Those organisms are fighters and want to stay.

11- If menopausal- use estrogen creams to relieve itching and dryness

12- Avoid smoking and other harmful social vices eg illicit drugs

13- Lastly and best of all. (The married couples should get in here. Lol)
Regular and safe sexual activity helps keep vaginal tissues healthy and happy. Yup sex is great !!!


And now just to scare y'all a bit.



Things that can happen when you leave that nasty itch unattended to :

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease-PID
  • Infertility -inability to get pregnant
  • Cancer - that nasty itch might be an early warning sign for cancer. Early treatment saves lives!!!
  • Spread of infection to other systems of the body resulting in a full blown illness.

With all this information given to you, we believe you are empowered to maintain the health of your vagina.






I want to stress getting regular check ups even with no symptoms. My sister had an STD for years as a teen and it made her infertile. She is not happy about not having symptoms, because if she did she would have acted accordingly. Great post. Thanks.

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

Very true.routine check ups are super helpful and prevents health crisis,many diseases hide -show no symptoms until they have caused great damage

Very educating/enlightening. Some little things which some of us counted as nothing actually does matter, for instance who would believe that the practice of wearing nylon panties by most ladies in a bid to appear sexy could lead to vaginal itching.

Yh i know right.we can still feel sexy in cotton too

Very educating and lovely. I learnt allot from it, and i hope to teach my future wife about it, by the time i get married.

Lool abi .thats the spirit

hehehe. can't wait for today's disscussion on the discord channel

Thanks for reading and participating.much appreciated

wow, that was amazing there, thank you very much for the eye opening info for our ladies, sisters and wives.

but I have a question:
as usually said by some people that when some ladies experience virgina itching, that they are in need of a dick(a man), how true is that?

thanks for the benefiting info.

Lool.it is true for some ladies that might just be their bodies telling them they are horny,or they want sex.its only natural for them/their bodies

Interesting.... That too?

lols, it's alright, am glad you said the truth

this is awesome. what a great lecture
so we just have to tell all the ladies out there to be very careful of the eja nla's

Lool exactly!!!

Great to see a Dr here!!

Great to see u appreciate one.Are u also a dr

Lastly and best of all. (The married couples should get in here. Lol)
Regular and safe sexual activity helps keep vaginal tissues healthy and happy. Yup sex is great !!!

My favourite part.😂

Thank you doc.

Loool.thankz for the read.


Tips for a healthy v.j....i vote for 13,its just my lucky number
Who's with me on this 1? Lol...very nice stuff.i hope the ladies read dis stuff
....never heard of douche, i just learnt something new.Thanks

Uwc .Thanks for the read.m glad u enjoyed it and most importantly learnt!!

Very educative. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for reading