Check-in on Bitget daily and share the 100 SOL Prize pool

in #airdrop8 days ago

Participate and Win: Share in the 100 SOL Prize Pool!
Bitget invites you to join this exciting event:


  • Open to all Bitget app users, regardless of when you registered
    Complete simple tasks in the app to earn rewards:

What to do?

  1. Download the Bitget App
  2. Make any trade
  3. Subscribe to earning products and more!
  • Earn up to 0.05 SOL for each completed task

  • The best part? Bitget is giving away a total of 100 SOL!
    Don't delay – rewards are given on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the 100 SOL is distributed, the event ends.

Ready to boost your SOL balance? Open the Bitget app and start completing tasks now!