100 Articles on Aldrich-Vreeland Curated Publications List

in #aldrich-vreeland6 years ago (edited)

The Aldrich-Vreeland act passed in 1908 in order to change the national banking laws of the United States. It was in response to the financial panic of 1907 and established a new entity called the National Monetary Commission. This later created the Federal Reserve through the passing of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.

This act is important because it changed currency law to allow national banks to issue their own currency, as well as forming bonds. It is an example of a response to currency shortage, and was the beginning of the current banking system in the United States. An important event in history, here are the one hundred most cited publications mentioning this act.

  1. "A monetary history of the United States, 1867-1960". M Friedman, AJ Schwartz. 2008. books.google.com . 9156 cites.
  2. "Business cycles". WC Mitchell. 1913. books.google.com . 1631 cites.
  3. "Slapped by the invisible hand: The panic of 2007". GB Gorton. 2010. books.google.com . 785 cites.
  4. "Do large deficits produce high interest rates?". P Evans. 1985. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 656 cites.
  5. "Monetary politics: The Federal Reserve and the politics of monetary policy". JT Woolley. 1985. books.google.com . 471 cites.
  6. "The rationale of central banking". VC Smith. 1936. oll.libertyfund.org . 467 cites.
  7. "Slapped in the Face by the Invisible Hand: Banking and the Panic of 2007". GB Gorton. 2009. papers.ssrn.com . 406 cites.
  8. "The regulation and reform of the American banking system, 1900-1929". EN White. 2014. books.google.com . 402 cites.
  9. "The Chicago plan revisited". J Benes, M Kumhof. 2012. . 374 cites.
  10. "100% money". I Fisher. 1935. dspace.gipe.ac.in . 342 cites.
  11. "The new Lombard Street: how the Fed became the dealer of last resort". P Mehrling. 2010. books.google.com . 336 cites.
  12. "Financial panics, the seasonality of the nominal interest rate, and the founding of the Fed". JA Miron. 1986. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 333 cites.
  13. "Monetary policy in the United States: an intellectual and institutional history". RH Timberlake. 1993. books.google.com . 323 cites.
  14. "The central banking role of clearinghouse associations". RH Timberlake. 1984. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 305 cites.
  15. "Filibuster: Obstruction and lawmaking in the US Senate". GJ Wawro, E Schickler. 2013. books.google.com . 292 cites.
  16. "The lender of last resort: Alternative views and historical experience". MD Bordo. 1990. papers.ssrn.com . 275 cites.
  17. "Currency elasticity and banking panics: Theory and evidence". B Champ, BD Smith, SD Williamson. 1996. JSTOR Canadian Journal of Economics. 269 cites.
  18. "Banking panics of the gilded age". E Wicker. 2006. books.google.com . 251 cites.
  19. "Economics and the Public Welfare: Financial and Economic History of the United States, 1914-1946". BMA Anderson. 1949. books.google.com . 245 cites.
  20. "The international origins of the Federal Reserve System". JL Broz. 1997. books.google.com . 224 cites.
  21. "The adjustment of expectations to a change in regime: A study of the founding of the Federal Reserve". NG Mankiw, JA Miron, DN Weil. 1987. nber.org . 221 cites.
  22. "The Great Contraction, 1929-1933:(New Edition)". M Friedman, AJ Schwartz. 2012. books.google.com . 205 cites.
  23. "A history of modern banks of issue". CA Conant. 1915. books.google.com . 174 cites.
  24. "Case Against the Fed, The". MN Rothbard. 2007. books.google.com . 165 cites.
  25. "Credit crises, money and contractions: An historical view". MD Bordo, JG Haubrich. 2010. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 160 cites.
  26. "A banking model in which partial suspension is best". N Wallace. 1990. search.proquest.com Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Quarterly …. 155 cites.
  27. "America's 60 families". F Lundberg. 1937. higherpursuits.net . 147 cites.
  28. "Regulation, industrial structure, and instability in US banking". CW Calomiris. 2000. books.google.com US Bank Deregulation in Historical Perspective. 138 cites.
  29. "The strategy and consistency of Federal Reserve monetary policy, 1924-1933". DC Wheelock. 2004. books.google.com . 137 cites.
  30. "The New York Money Market and the Finance of Trade, 1900-1913". CAE Goodhart. 1969. books.google.com . 132 cites.
  31. "Банковские системы зарубежных стран". ЮГ Вешкин, ГЛ Авагян. 2004. biznesbooks.com М.: Экономистъ. 120 cites.
  32. "Real shock, monetary aftershock: The 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the panic of 1907". KA Odell, MD Weidenmier. 2004. cambridge.org The Journal of Economic History. 120 cites.
  33. "Banking reform and the Federal Reserve, 1863-1923". RC West. 1977. Cornell Univ Pr . 119 cites.
  34. "Кризис: Как это делается". НВ Стариков. 2009. books.google.com . 119 cites.
  35. "A legal history of money in the United States, 1774-1970". JW Hurst. 2001. books.google.com . 117 cites.
  36. "Theory and Measurement: Causality Issues in Milton Friedman's Monetary Economics". JD Hammond. 2005. books.google.com . 114 cites.
  37. "The alchemists: Three central bankers and a world on fire". N Irwin. 2013. books.google.com . 113 cites.
  38. "When Washington shut down Wall Street: the great financial crisis of 1914 and the origins of America's monetary supremacy". WL Silber, J Silber. 2007. books.google.com . 108 cites.
  39. "Has the Fed been a failure?". G Selgin, WD Lastrapes, LH White. 2012. Elsevier Journal of Macroeconomics. 107 cites.
  40. "The great recession: market failure or policy failure?". RL Hetzel. 2012. books.google.com . 104 cites.
  41. "Why clashes between internal and external stability goals end in currency crises, 1797–1994". MD Bordo, AJ Schwartz. 1996. Springer Open Economies Review. 102 cites.
  42. "Political bubbles: Financial crises and the failure of American democracy". N McCarty, KT Poole, H Rosenthal. 2013. books.google.com . 97 cites.
  43. "The world history of free banking: an overview". K Schuler. 2002. taylorfrancis.com Experience of Free Banking. 97 cites.
  44. "Robert M. La Follette and the insurgent spirit". DP Thelen. 1985. books.google.com . 97 cites.
  45. "How long did it take the United States to become an optimal currency area?". H Rockoff. 2000. nber.org . 95 cites.
  46. "Theft of a nation: Wall street looting and federal regulatory colluding". G Barak. 2012. books.google.com . 79 cites.
  47. "The lender of last resort: some historical insights". MD Bordo. 1989. nber.org . 77 cites.
  48. "The Great Debate on Banking Reform: Nelson Aldrich and the Origins of the Fed". E Wicker. 2005. books.google.com . 74 cites.
  49. "Twentieth-century America: A brief history". TC Reeves. 2000. books.google.com . 72 cites.
  50. "The promise and performance of the Federal Reserve as lender of last resort 1914-1933". MD Bordo, DC Wheelock. 2011. nber.org . 71 cites.
  51. "The global financial crisis of 2007-08: Is it unprecedented?". MD Bordo, JS Landon-Lane. 2010. nber.org . 71 cites.
  52. "Landmark Legislation". SW Stathis. 2003. books.google.com . 71 cites.
  53. "Judge and jury: The life and times of Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis". D Pietrusza. 1998. books.google.com . 70 cites.
  54. "Biographical Dictionary of American Business Leaders". JN Ingham. 1983. books.google.com . 68 cites.
  55. "Progressivism: A very short introduction". W Nugent. 2009. books.google.com . 67 cites.
  56. "The political lessons of Depression-era banking reform". CW Calomiris. 2010. academic.oup.com Oxford Review of Economic Policy. 66 cites.
  57. "The Work of Wall Street: An Account of the Functions, Methods and History of the New York Money and Stock Markets". SS Pratt, JF Crowell. 1921. books.google.com . 65 cites.
  58. "The New Deal: A Modern History". M Hiltzik. 2011. books.google.com . 64 cites.
  59. "The Federal Reserve Act: Its Origin and Problems". JL Laughlin. 1933. New York: The Macmillan Company . 62 cites.
  60. "The Fed: The Inside Story of how the World's Most Powerful Financial Institution Drives the Market". M Mayer. 2001. books.google.com . 61 cites.
  61. "Short-term debt and financial crises: What we can learn from US Treasury supply". A Krishnamurthy, A Vissing-Jorgensen. 2013. Citeseer … , Northwestern University, May. 60 cites.
  62. "Bank failures and the cost of systemic risk: Evidence from 1900 to 1930". PH Kupiec, CD Ramirez. 2013. Elsevier Journal of Financial Intermediation. 58 cites.
  63. "Woodrow Wilson's right hand: the life of Colonel Edward M. House". G Hodgson. 2006. books.google.com . 57 cites.
  64. "The ABC of the Federal Reserve System". EW Kemmerer. 1920. books.google.com . 56 cites.
  65. "Monetary innovation in América". R Sylla. 1982. cambridge.org The Journal of Economic History. 54 cites.
  66. "A proposal for the resolution of systemically important assets and liabilities: the case of the repo market". VV Acharya, T Sabri Öncü. 2014. World Scientific The Social Value of the Financial Sector …. 54 cites.
  67. "Why did FDR's bank holiday succeed?". WL Silber. 2009. papers.ssrn.com . 53 cites.
  68. "Sources of panics: evidence from the weekly data". RG Donaldson. 1992. Elsevier Journal of Monetary Economics. 51 cites.
  69. "The power and independence of the Federal Reserve". P Conti-Brown. 2017. books.google.com . 51 cites.
  70. "the Crisis of 1914 in the United States". OMW Sprague. 1915. JSTOR The American Economic Review. 50 cites.
  71. "Until it's over, over there: the US economy in World War I". H Rockoff. 2004. nber.org . 50 cites.
  72. "The sources of financial crisis: pre-and post-Fed evidence". F Canova. 1991. JSTOR International Economic Review. 50 cites.
  73. "Legal and technological infrastructures for electronic payment systems". HH Perritt Jr. 1996. HeinOnline Rutgers Computer & Tech. LJ. 49 cites.
  74. "Market failures and regulatory failures: Lessons from past and present financial crises". V Acharya, T Cooley, M Richardson, I Walter. 2011. papers.ssrn.com . 48 cites.
  75. "The secrets of the Federal Reserve". E Mullins. 1991. cdn.preterhuman.net . 47 cites.
  76. "Origins of a Flat Tax". SA Bank. 1995. HeinOnline Denv. UL Rev.. 46 cites.
  77. "Real and pseudo-financial crises". AJ Schwartz. 1987. nber.org Money in historical perspective. 45 cites.
  78. "The worldwide change in the behavior of interest rates and prices in 1914". RB Barsky, NG Mankiw, JA Miron, DN Weill. 1988. deepblue.lib.umich.edu . 44 cites.
  79. "The forgotten depression: 1921: the crash that cured itself". J Grant. 2014. books.google.com . 44 cites.
  80. "A comparison of the stability and efficiency of the Canadian and American banking systems, 1870–19251". MD Bordo, H Rockoff, A Redish. 1996. cambridge.org Financial History Review. 44 cites.
  81. "Monetary reform and the redemption of national bank notes, 1863–1913". GA Selgin, LH White. 1994. cambridge.org Business History Review. 43 cites.
  82. "Rhode Island: A History (States and the Nation)". W McLoughlin. 1986. books.google.com . 43 cites.
  83. "The Subprime Crisis-A Test Match for the Bankers: Glas-Steagall vs. Gramm-Leach-Bliley". JW Markham. 2009. HeinOnline U. Pa. J. Bus. L.. 42 cites.
  84. "The Federal Reserve Act". RL Owen. 1919. books.google.com . 41 cites.
  85. "The Discount System in Europe". PM Warburg. 1910. books.google.com . 41 cites.
  86. "Strained Relations: US Foreign-Exchange Operations and Monetary Policy in the Twentieth Century". MD Bordo, OF Humpage, AJ Schwartz. 2015. books.google.com . 41 cites.
  87. "The federal reserve and panic prevention: The roles of financial regulation and lender of last resort". G Gorton, A Metrick. 2013. aeaweb.org Journal of Economic Perspectives. 39 cites.
  88. "Retrospectives: economists and the Fed: beginnings". P Mehrling. 2002. aeaweb.org Journal of Economic Perspectives. 37 cites.
  89. "America's bank: The epic struggle to create the federal reserve". R Lowenstein. 2016. books.google.com . 37 cites.
  90. "The national monetary commission: a look back". WG Dewald. 1972. JSTOR Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 36 cites.
  91. "Depositor liquidity and loss sharing in bank failure resolutions". GG Kaufman. 2004. Wiley Online Library Contemporary Economic Policy. 36 cites.
  92. "The Economic Performance Index (EPI): an Intuitive Indicator for Assessing a Country's Economic Performance Dynamics in an Historical Perspective". MV Khramov, MJR Lee. 2013. books.google.com . 36 cites.
  93. "The Most Exclusive Club: A History of the Modern United States Senate". LL Gould. 2005. books.google.com . 35 cites.
  94. "The history of interbank settlement arrangements: exploring central banks' role in the payment system". B Norman, R Shaw, G Speight. 2011. papers.ssrn.com . 35 cites.
  95. "The Federal Reserve System: An Encyclopedia: An Encyclopedia". RW Hafer. 2005. books.google.com . 34 cites.
  96. "The Federal Reserve System: A History". DR Wells. 2012. books.google.com . 34 cites.
  97. "The Founding of the Fed and the Destabilization of the Post-1914 Economy". JA Miron. 1988. nber.org . 34 cites.
  98. "Islamic economics: what it is and how it developed". M Chapra, R Whaples. 2008. eh.net EH. Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. 33 cites.
  99. "Private Interbank Discipline". DG Oedel. 1993. HeinOnline Harv. JL & Pub. Pol'y. 32 cites.
  100. "The romance and tragedy of banking: problems and incidents of governmental supervision of National Banks". TP Kane. 1922. books.google.com . 31 cites.


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