Las Vegas Massacre = Alien Feeding Frenzy

in #aliens7 years ago


The entities that imprison us on Earth have separated themselves from divine light. As such they need sustenance from the lower vibrations such as fear, anger, and hate. Violent acts such as war, race riots, and mass shootings provide the emotions they need for a feeding frenzy.

Most of us just want to be left alone and to live our lives in peace. But this will never happen as long as we are prisoners and nourishment for our alien captors. How can we combat these parasites when they can't be seen? How can we rid ourselves of their influence when they invade even our thoughts, making us listen to thoughts that are not even our own?

The best thing we can do is deprive them of their required nourishment by raising our vibrations to that of love and kindness. These vibrations are uncomfortable to our captors, and eventually they will be forced to leave in search of food.

There are many ways to raise our vibrational level. Research and find the method that works best for you. Be mindful of your thoughts and you can filter out the ones that are not really yours. Finally be happy that we can turn the tide against our captors and be free once again.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!