Are We alone ? Exploring 3 scenarios

in #aliens5 years ago

Are we alone ?** The question we've all asked ourselves. Is there life outside of this blue marble or are we the only ones ?
In this article I want to discuss something different. That being the 3 scenarios of when we find out the answer to this question.

Scenario 1.
We are alone.

Let's imagine that we finally come to the conclusion that we are alone in this universe and no other life exists other than that on earth. What should we do then ? After all that means we're carrying the torch of life. And personally, I think we shouldn't let that torch extinguish itself. I believe that we would have to colonize space and bring life to it because what else are we gonna do ? Wouldn't it be a pity if we left the universe all alone fully void of life ?

Scenario 2.
We are the only intelligent life.

So now let's suppose that we find out that there's no intelligent life besides us but there's simple life in the universe.
What do we do then ? I think that we need to split this scenario into 2 sub scenarios, one where we only find bacteria and some simple life and second where we find full on flora and animals. If we only found bacteria and simple life, I believe not much would change from scenario number 1 but if we found flora and animals then we would have to think about protection of these new species and protection of the earthly species if the extraterrestrial ones were invasive and vice versa too. Another interesting subscenario is if we found something similar to primates. After all they'd be closest to intelligent extraterrestrial life we'd get.

Scenario 3.
We are not alone.

And the final scenario where there is other intelligent life besides us. Now this will devide into many sub scenarios.

Sub scenario 1. They are intelligent but less advanced than us. Think hunter gatherer type of deal. After all they'd be intelligent but we'd have full control over their future. We could share our knowledge with them and advance them in a couple of months what would otherwise take millenia. We could also leave them be and observe. Or we could enslave them. Or terminate them. We would have almost Godly powers over these beings.

Sub scenario 2. They are around ancient to medival type technology. Here the situation is pretty similar to the 1st sub scenario, however they could fight back a lot more than hunther gatherer types.

Sub scenario 3. They are only a bit less advanced than us, think 1800s-1900s. Then I believe we'd have to treat them equally, after all they'd be not much different by us in terms of technology. Yet I believe that this would be probably the most interesting scenario, just imagine what the probabilities of finding a civilization around our technological levels are.

Sub scenario 4. They are our level or slightly more advanced. Here's where our domination ends. We'd be on an equal playing ground.

Sub scenario 5. They are more advanced than us. Now this is where things get kind of scary. They would be more technologically advanced than us yet they'd still probably be wary of us. Things could go wrong here.

Sub scenario 6. They are way more advanced than us. In this scenario we can't even compare, they are tens if not hundreds of millenia ahead of us in the technology department. Depending on their attitude towards us we could either end up gaining a lot of knowledge or we could be eliminated in a blink of an eye.

So what do you think ? Are we alone ? Please share your thoughts in the comments and upvote if you enjoyed this article. Bye.