There are over 7,000 Federal buildings that are currently empty, yet fully maintained.

in #allocation4 months ago


The incredible waste that has been allowed to grow, unfettered for decades is finally going to face a day of reckoning that is long overdue.

And the countless jobs of people who intentionally get nothing done and hide from their work all day will be rightly eliminated.

I've always felt that business leaders would be better suited to head up government departments since they know how to effectively allocate resources as best as possible.

And who better to head that up than the most successful human alive at allocating resources than Elon.

The hope and excitement my business friends and I have about seeing a new Golden Age being unlocked in the US has been fantastic this month.

It's definitely going to be a bumpy ride and the blob in the machine won't go down without a fight to try to maintain its ineffective and entitled existence.


Although I am always in favor of more efficient government spending, I worry about Elon's motives and who can influence him. He is perhaps the single most personally invested person alive in every sector he touches which brings up questions of loyalty when his investments are at the influence of other world leaders such as China.