Alt-News #9: TED talk about Blockchain / Altcoin gains since Jan 2017 / now supports ETH

in #alt-news7 years ago

Hey everyone! For this edition of Alt-News I wanted to keep it a bit shorter as some have been complaining about the posts being too long lately with the added "crypto recommendations" part at the end of them. I will however give another small recommendation but try and keep it short. :)

I recently stumbled upon this great TED Talk explaining how blockchain is changing money and business and I recommend everyone to check it out in case its not yet completely clear to you.

This is the real TED Talks channel, not the other TED X where almost anyone can submit their speeches to and they will upload them to their channel. (which not always might be something that reflects reality)

I've been browsing the r/btc forums lately since there's been a lot of controversy about Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin. If you read my post where I wrote down my concerns about Bitcoin Core Team and BCC which is lead by Roger Ver you might have been looking more into it and maybe got yourself some Bitcoin Cash. If you did, you should have found yourself up by at least 200% in gain since then. Of course you have to be careful with your investments cause its hard to determine what is true and what isn't nowadays and especially on forums such as Reddit where a lot of the attention can be manipulated and the activity is hidden.

There's been some more news I've been hearing lately that made me invest in BCC recently but that remains for another post.

A user there recently asked me why I had left the Bitcoin scene and was first now looking to come back as I had created this post:

I told him that the obvious censoring and shadow-deleting was a big reason to it and that I respected r/btc a lot more cause they don't go down that road just cause some users may bring up concern about the currency. I also told him that I haven't regret a single moment ever since I traded off my Bitcoins for altcoins and started re-searching and chasing their developments instead, and this graph shows it really well.

If you had invested in these altcoins since January 2017, you'd have these gains so far.

Twitter Source, which is one of the biggest online wallet providers and has been live since August 2011 has recently decided to add Ethereum to their services.

The reason we decided to add Ethereum is we really feel like Ethereum as a community, ecosystem and technology has really matured.

said Peter Smith, Blockchain's chief executive.

I guess the same can't be said about the Blockstream team and how they handle their subreddit. :P

Blockchain is a great service though and has been very reliable since it lets users hold their own private keys to their wallets as opposed to exchanges and other sites where there is another company or third party that holds your coins.

As I always say, if you don't hold the private key to your wallet and coins yourself, then you don't really own those coins and suffer great risks to losing them at one point. Especially if you have them on certain exchanges like Poloniex or Bitfinnex which have been showing a great deal of red flags lately. Let's hope it won't come to another Mt. Gox scenario.

For altcoin recommendations today I wanted to go a different and more secure route and pitch you with Ethereum and Monero. These are currencies that have been out there for a long time already but are still true to their development and have been sleeping giants lately in my opinion compared to BTC and BCC.

Ethereum due to it receiving a lot of mainstream news lately combined being adopted in many different places and Monero due to it still being one of the best coins out there that keep your balance and coins private and secure. There have been some rumors lately that DASH and ZCASH have not been as successful at being as private as Monero, but I don't have any proof to it nor was I able to find any sources.

These are their charts respectively.

Ethereum 1 year chart

Monero 1 year chart

As always, if you have any questions about these articles or something you are wondering about (that can't easily be googled), feel free to ask here and I'll try my best to answer. Thanks for reading, stay safe out there during these times of increasing volatility. :)

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Thank you for these updates - I just wanted to notify of something regarding your comment on TEDx vs TED. As someone who gave a TEDx talk recently, I think it's important to note that the application/audition process is extremely rigorous . TEDx is a subsidiary of TED talks and maintains the same quality standards. Independent organizers essential file to franchise the TED model in their area, and each group of independent organizers is assigned with a regional TED speaker coach along with complete preparation and filtration process. Obviously the quality of the end products is dependent on the intention of the organizers which varies from place to place but one thing I can say for certain is, there is no way to simply send or submit a talk to TEDx subdomain and have them upload it. In order to get on the TED.TEDx , the only way is to have gone through the selection process and have prepared and presented a live sanctioned TEDx talk (and all talks are recorded live, not edited). The one I did in New York started with over 1000+ applicants who auditioned, and finished almost a year later with only 4 speakers finally given the green light to present. I was honored to be among them, and it took a lot of work.

Oh wow thanks for the great info on it, i didn't have too much knowledge about it but have seen some rather questionable talks in the past.


You got it! Keep up the good posts!

Great info! Followed

Wow, @benahrens, I had no idea the process was so rigorous for TEDx, although I'd imagine the vetting process is much more intense in New York than in more remote locations. Please send the link to your talk, I'm a huge fan of TED, I watch a video whenever I'm struggling with motivation.

Thanks @acidyo for the article. You might be interested to note that DASH has set up a blockchain research lab at Arizona State University. I don't know much about their business practices, but I think this is a giant leap forward for cryptocurrency. Here's a link -

So my husband is a big crypto guy, and the reason that I'm on this platform since he learned of steemit somewhere in the trenches of the cryptocurrency world at some point last year.
He watches Ted Talks and I sometimes watch it with him, in fact my personal favorite to this day was about a guy from a small village, I can't remember what country he was from but it was definitely a third world nation, who went to the big city in pursuit of 'success' aka money then along the way had an epiphany about the rat race, went back to his village and started building houses. The theme of the talk was something like "I don't have any money, but I have many houses". It's an old one, like five years old probably.

Despite not having an account here I know my husband does a lot of reading, what I did not know is that he knows who you are, in fact I didn't know that until about fifteen minutes ago when he noticed your vote on my post and said "Hey, I like that guy.". LOL He came across you in a comment section apparently, and liked what you had to say, (translation: liked that you're not phony and full of shit ;)

He told me to tell you BATS. People aren't paying much attention to it yet, but it has the potential to be a huge disruption in the way advertising is done (er, I think that's how he put it). It's super cheap right now so it won't hurt to pick some up if he's right (he's rarely wrong, just so you know) He sees it jumping in the beginning of 2018 and going the distance from there.

Oh, found the Ted Talk I mentioned:

liked that you're not phony and full of shit

haha, thanks! I've been trying to keep it real here on the platform. :P

I aways watch TED and already see this one! Blockchain technology has been gaining popularity

Thanks for sharing this great video!

HAIL Satoshi Nakamoto for inventing Bitcoin and the Blockchain technology. Bitcoin is certainly a very good thing which has changed the way of payment, but to me, Blockchain the underlying technology, is one or even the biggest innovation in computer science and for me it is the more important part of this whole innovation from Satoshi Nakamoto. The idea of a distributed database where trust is established through mass collaboration and clever code rather than through a powerful institution that does the authentication and the settlement is damn genius and world changing. We can read daily now that in so many different sectors the Blockchain technology finds his use for a better and safer outcome. This TED Talk video is very cool I did not know it before thanks for showing us. In 2017 i have invested in NEO, Stratis, Ripple, Sia, Bitshares, Stella Lumen and a few more ETH, BTC, ETH Classic, Monero, ZCach and Dash I had before 2017 and it is nice to see on the statistic in your post that I gained very good so far in 2017. There is some nice protocol called "0x-Protocol"and there token (ZRX) which could replace Crypto Exchange Markets like Bittrex or Kraken if you like to know a bit more about it have a look in my Crypto News post today. I wish you a nice weekend and a good start in the new week.

Yes, I watched this TED Talk recently and shared it on some other social media for people who are not already here on steemit!

The video was great and I went and got his book too!

Liked that TED Talk. I'm still having to work on getting my wife on board before I can really make a serious move. She's coming along slowly but surely - it can be a lot to digest. The very basic educational presentations work well in that regard, so I will be using this one on her. Thx!

Thanks acidyo for a interesting post again! The TED video was actually the first video I watched about blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies and the one that made me realize that you've been right all the time that this is big but it's gonna get way bigger. I watched it a few days before we met face to face last time and the video was one of the only sources (except you) that I had on these things. Now I have followed these things much more, and I guess it is the thing that most of my free time goes to :) Still, it feels like I don't understand a shit :D
So that is why I need to ask if you can give more details on Monero and why you think it belong to one of those cryptos with potential. I mean there certainly are a lot of crypto with potential but why Monero? Is it the privacy that makes it special? Compared, Ethereum is well established and a solid platform compared to most altcoins. One can also find stuff about it in mainstream media, but Monero is not that known.
Thanks mate!

Hehe, I guess you are beginning to understand how captivating it is now and why I've spent the last few years glued to the PC because of it. xD

Its truly like the beginning of the internet again, in my opinion.

About Monero, it has a really special tech called ring signature that provides privacy and has been uncracked (so far). There's been some doubts lately about Zcash and Dash providing that same privacy. Of course this means a lot of people might use Monero for illegal things, but that was the biggest usecase for Bitcoin in the beginning as well. :P Always when there is a new tech people will abuse it in the beginning for bad things before the positive uses start to overtake it.

My advice is mostly focused due to its hold around $50 for a long time now and its very limited supply. The anonymity it provides is a big plus and probably something that many will be looking to get into in the future since most blockchains are open-source and public. Time will tell if Ethereum will be able to implement something similar for privacy but so far Monero is leading in that aspect.

Here is for instance a screenshot when you try to check out a Monero's address. :P

I do understand why you have been doing it! :) I think is a good investment for the future for you, even without any cryptocurrency investments. You have a lot knowledge about all this and that is worth a lot already now but will be worth much more in the near future.
Okey, yeah I see your point about Monero now.. Thanks for your help again!

Check out Monero today. ;)

hehe I wasn't online here yesterday but I checked earlier today and thought that next time u give some advice I'll need to do it straight away :D

Well presented.

What an opportunity we all have now! We are getting into the cryptos so early. Just buy, diversify and hold!

I remember watching that video a while back, its nice that someone shared it here. If Zcoin can figure out what they are doing with MTP they could be a strong contender in that area.