RE: 3 Altcoins that Could 2x in 30 Days! - Top 3 Altcoins - Which CryptoCurrency Should You Buy?
I think Stellar is at a really good price right now and that is going to grow exponentially throughout the year. I'm glad that you mentioned Tron and really hope that it goes up. I think there are too many people that got used to the extremely fast growth we saw at the beginning of the month with all the coins, especially Tron, when it hit 30 cents and then plummeted over night, so now there are a lot of people that think it's a worthless coin. These past few weeks should have been a time of learning for a lot people about buying the dips and not buying in at all time highs because they think they will miss out. Its been a wild ride this past month and I am looking forward to some growth over the next few months. Overall, this month has probably taught a lot of people patience and that you won't get rich overnight in this game. I know it has humbled me many times, but I will learn and continue forward. Anyways, thanks for the awesome content. It's always good to hear your voice and learn from you and now we can all put a face to the DJ voice.