Which crypto currency can switch from block chain to hash graph when it becomes publicly available, if it does?

in #altcoin7 years ago (edited)

With the rising of new technologies racing to achieve the most efficient way to reach consensus Holochain and Hash Graph seems to accomplish a lot of progress. Block Chain seems to be dragging slower and slower collapsing under its own weight. My question to the tech people on steemit is: which crypto currency will be able to shift its base technology from block chain to either holochain or hash graph? Which one will survive the first coming “.com” shakeup?


As long as hashgraph remains private, we won't have anything to worry about. So far, they seem to want to keep it so.

This is a good question. I'd imagine the first cryptocurrencies to shift from blockchain would be those backed behind large and active teams. Maybe Ripple or the like will be the first.

Hash graph seens to be a New tech.. so Just new coin would use it at begining