Nice Alt Movement Today Including Steem

in #altseason3 years ago



That is a respectable move at .26 USD for Steem and $3.40 of SBD.

Behold Alt Season!



Yes, it is certainly a pleasing sight to see :>) I won't fail to take at least some profit from any boom this time around, and earmark some of it to re-invest during the low period.

No kidding I learned that painful lesson last time around.

For some reason, I remember... maybe it's because I was in the same boat at the time...???

I was definitely happy to see it! Things got a little derailed today by BTC suddenly making a run... that always seems to put a damper on the alts... Still, it was nice to see 26 cents for a little bit.

Nice work! You just got yourself a $1.44 upvote. Enjoy! Check us out at or why not come in and say hello at ACOM Discord

Hopefully steem go to the moon

I hope I can get out s few hundred dollars to hold before the bears come into town again.

Come ON Big Daddy lol. Grrrr am at work today and can't watch.