Social Security is withholding mom's benefits to the tune of 15k because they're accusing me of FrauD!

in #alzheimers8 years ago

I have reached out to attorneys to no avail. I have asked them what I am accused of defrauding and they refuse to give a response. I don't know where to turn . If anyone has a plan of action I can take against these criminals, please let me know. My mom has alzheimer's disease and our life was tough enough before all this happened. Now we are struggling. Besides the normal bills of food, shelter and clothes etc. I have to pay a caregiver to help me with my mom because I too am disabled with a neck and back injury from back in 2004. I have defrauded no-one and this injustice has to stop. If anyone has any ideas , it will be surely appreciated. With love and light, Jeff