
Living ones? Hmmm let me get back to you on that.

See? Excellent at everything just like I said.

Reference RECONFIRMED by Da Hunter :)

Here is the contact information for my last living employer:

Watto the Toydarian
1138 Dilapidated Junk Shop Lane
Mos Espa

How long do you work with an employer before he is deceased?

I have only really had 2 employers. I also had a mentor/teacher. I only killed two of the three. One after working for him for about 20 years. The other was my teacher for approximately 15 years. Then he disappeared for 20 years. Then I killed him the first time I saw him again. To be fair, my boss tried to kill my son and my teacher cut off my legs and left me in a volcano. It sucks that I always have to check "yes" on the "Have you ever killed any former employers?" box on applications... but at least they leave me plenty of room to explain. Thanks for asking.

@Ned / @Lordvader 2020!

We will need to discuss the order of the names... but it is an excellent start.

hah .. you were born for this man! :)

I am The Chosen One.