AMP#6 | AMAZING PLACES | Red Beach, Panjin, China.

Hello and welcome to episode 6 of Amazing Places, if you missed the previous episodes, Click Here
Let's get started, today we are going to Panjin, in north-eastern China, there is a beach in Dawa County which transform to crimson red every autumn's arrival thus making the place to be a famous landscape.
The plant that turns red is Suaeda salsa (Chinese: 碱蓬草) and from the Chenopodiaceae family, and the area is the biggest wetland and reed marsh on earth. and it is composed of tidelands and shallow seas.

the plant is among the few plant that can grow in highly alkaline soil and it is light red when it just begin it's life cycle in April and when it matures, it turns deep red
The entire wetland spans over 51 square miles and it is considered a prtected area
It spans over 51 square miles of coastal land. The entire wetland is considered a protected area, as it's also home to more than 260 varieties of birds, including the endangered red-crowned crane, and around 400 species of wildlife.

Are you packing your bags already? lol

Nice post! Keep it up, followed!
wow awesome,
are these red flowers?
They are not flowers, the just turn red during autumn probably due to the high concentration of alkaline in the soil on which it grows.