How Do You Know When You're In Love?

in #amiinlove6 years ago

LOVE. A four-letter word, once syllabicated, stressed middle voweled and is transcripted \ləv\ according to various dictionaries. What's the feeling of being in love anyway? Psychologists say that you are in love when your dopamine flows upward to your hypothalamus. Some say that it's more than just a scientific explanation because it is the deepest sense of emotion one could feel. But as the logical question states, how do we really know what this world truly means?

You are in love when you can't fall asleep because you find reality better than your dreams. You know you are in love when she's the last thing on your mind before you sleep and the first thing on your mind when you wake up. You know you are in love when her name seems redundant but still sounds so astonishing. You feel happy when you're with the person you are in love with and spending time with her is your happy time. Cliche as it may sound but I'm afraid it's the inevitable truth. You know you're in love when you know everything about her- the positive, the cutest, the negative sides yet she appears so beautiful for you in every aspect that you know.

You are in love because you are in love; as simple as it is. Falling in love is simple but it's not easy. But it depends on how deep is your love or how well you know what you love. Some say, love has a choice but I sometimes don't find it true. Falling in love happens unexpectedly, in the most unpredictable, heart throbbing manner and this makes it so wonderful. Love is the purest thing. Love also teaches us to be patient that we'd be pushed to say "man it's worth the wait!"

Love isn't just a four-letter word, love isn't just the flow of dopamine. Because love is the purest, loveliest, and the sweetest thing the world could ever have. Falling in love is simple, it isn't easy but falling in love is epephanical and sensational. You are in love when you couldn't turn away from giving it even if you won't be reciprocated with it.!


Hahahahaa love is everywhere

hello . i'm done reading your post and it's very inspiring . Gi follow tika hope you follow back . God bless :)

Im following you back. Thank you hihi

Hey. I just followed you. ☺

Relate kaau kos blog nimo haha 😂 kanang di katug hahaha

Hahahahahaha kaayo tsk. Labi nag tagdon kas crush nimo ba hahahaha lisud jud ikatog no