
i like to travel very much
thanks for sharing it
best of luck

Kokesh for not president in 2020!!!

is time to change man , good one

Sadly I am an “ignorant and annoying troll” in his words, otherwise I would attempt to engage the FREEDOM Messiah in discourse. Alas, I am but a lowly Voluntaryist, and simply cannot understand the magnificent and complex workings of his genius godlike mind. Hopefully soon his whole blog will be Resteems of folks who don’t need a leader. I could be wrong, though, as I have not yet read what his Lordship calls “THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOK IN THE WORLD.” Of course I refer to his Lordship’s own book “FREEDOM!” Perhaps this is where I have gone amiss. Works from the library likely pale horribly in comparison.


Most important I don't know, but it is definitely one of the easiest anarchy 101 books I've found to give people that first little glimpse. Definitely not a book targeting folks who are already on the path, as it's just the basics.

I would LOVE to see an chat with you two; want me to set that up?

Not sure what we would talk about. Every time I’ve asked about his presidential platform I’ve been dismissed so... Maybe a debate? :)

Resolution: Running for President is a viable, principled means by which to create a voluntaryist society.

I’ll argue in the negative. I seriously will, too, if he’ll do it.

That would be absolutely great! I'll talk to him tomorrow and see if I can't make it happen :-) I bet I can get him to do it. That would be some GREAT content.

Guessing that he wasn’t too keen on the proposal?

jeeze KA. Give him a chance. LOL I'm sure he is having some fun at AnarchoForko now. It's still early in the campaign season.... even for 2018! LOL But hey: I'll debate you on the issue (as best as I can from what I understand he wants to accomplish if elected). Kenny can moderate. Do you want to do it on skype? email me: I can even play the role of Adam's running mate. Howzzat?

I’m game. Is the resolution okay with you! Thanks for responding!

Ok, Kenny's K. See my posting in your blog in this regard. Just sent copy to Kokesh and Kafk84, as well. Let's rock!

Go Adam! Hey Kenny, we're the boi couple among all the kids Friday night @verdevegan ;-) great work