
Its Mexico baby..... Lol

thank you for the recap

Thank you so much for the completely unexpected and incredible experience of staying at Casa Creativa 2018 @kennyskitchen! I can genuinely say that you're one of the most loving humans that I have had the pleasure to get to know in quite some time.

Even though I have lived in Acapulco since Anarchapulco 2017 and had only met @kennyskitchen in passing briefly, when I was looking for a new permanent residence and staying in Airbnb's he welcomed me to Casa Creativa, and I am so grateful because it resulted in my best Anarchapulco experience to date. The beautiful humans I had the opportunity to spend time with and really get to know changed my life forever.

I came to Anarchapulco originally to escape society because I had lost all hope for humanity and felt like I was alone in a world of crazy people. 2017 restored my faith that we could make a better world, and 2018, mostly due to my experience at Casa Creativa has cemented my belief that we ARE creating a better world, and winning.

Not to mention @kennyskitchen inspired me to become more active on Steemit, and here I am!

Thanks for everything, love you brother!

Thanks for the shout out, Kenny! I really enjoyed hanging out with you and our conversations also. I hope we can do it again some time. I only scanned this (busy day!) but I've got it open to read it all, and I want to look into solsara as well.

Awesome, sad I wasn't in that group photo, and don't forget about our colab hip-hop recording sesh you are planning for us this summer! That will be epic!

Yes yes, the musicians' retreat is going to be a blast! I'm mostly dropping names for events that anyone interested can get involved with, and I'm going to do a big write-up just of my schedule for the year soon too.

wooooord up homie.

Thanks for the gift. This is a very detailed overview and would keep me busy reading the links which I have opened in various tab. Just read The Rainbow Gathering: 5 Decades of Beta-Testing Anarchist Society. It is a very vivid presentation of what to expect. It's almost unbelievable that 'anarchy' associated with disorder and subsequently crime is the exact opposite. We live and learn everyday. I shall plan to attend one. I do have a question : how often do government agency attempt to disrupt these events. It its hard to expect the desire to control will not cause governments to act against such meetings

Great read Kenny! That was incredible that you guessed my tattoo correctly! I’m doing my first Post on Steemit in a while soon! Appreciate you.

Great job man looking up to such good by following you

Great job man looking up to such good by following you

Haha, that was pretty awesome. Anarcho-geeks unite! Following you now, and I've added you to @tribesteemup's list :-)

hey there

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Great update! It was almost like going...but I prefer to go next time!

Great post Kenny! You continue to inspire and create amazing things. Steemit is really about community and sharing true value. Look no further then your posts to see this. (Maybe the law of attraction had something to do with that) I loved participating in both events and I can't wait to get into my new projects and continue to follow, connect and watch others grow from this event. The magic is happening. Enjoy your trip, you deserve a break. I'm sure it will be amazing.

Makes me feel young again! I was there: 1972 Rainbow Gathering/Wyoming
1983/Idaho. Bought a goat ranch (lol) in 91/been grounded ever since!